Showing 31 - 40 of 263
We exploit the introduction of free banking laws in US states during the 1837-1863 period to examine the impact of removing barriers to bank entry on bank competition and economic growth. As governments were not concerned about systemic stability in this period, we are able to isolate the...
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Decision makers facing abatement targets need to decide which abatement measures to implement, and in which order. Measure-explicit marginal abatement cost curves depict the cost and abating potential of available mitigation options. Using a simple intertemporal optimization model, we...
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The book studies growth paths in an overlapping generations model with land and exhaustible resources as factors of production. It is shown that land rules out inefficient growth paths.
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The English and Welsh water and sewerage industry is characterised by indivisible capital which has a long service life. Previous studies of efficiency for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry take a static framework, assuming all inputs can be adjusted instantaneously. This paper...
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Economists have expended considerable effort to develop economically meaningful definitions of the somewhat elusive concept of “sustainability.” We relate such a definition of sustainability to well known concepts from neoclassical economics, in particular, potential Pareto improvements (in...
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Aim: If companies manage their inventory inefficiently, inventory costs can increase significantly due to shortages, overstocking, and risks. Inventory management is critical for company's success which, in turn, impacts on countries' development. This paper aims to investigate the efficiency of...
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In the real world, public pay-as-you-go pension (PAYG) schemes are popular and co-exist with private, retirement-saving schemes. This is true even in dynamically efficient economies where such pensions offer a lower return. The classic Aaron-Samuelson result argues that, in theory, this is...
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Following Ramsey, the existing literature on optimal quantity taxation only compares the pre and the post-tax market equilibriums in order to account for the efficiency losses. However, when the government imposes a quantity tax on the consumer, the buyer's price jumps to the pre-tax equilibrium...
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The Austrian school economics and neo-Marxist theories both have been reviving in recent years. However, the current academic discussion lacks a debate between two schools of economics with diametrically opposed views. This paper is the first and an initial Austrian challenge to Neo-Marxist...
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The paper aims at the need for economic policy evaluators to assess how and whether specific measures can influence the development of markets in a way that achieves greater wealth. Therefore, this study concentrates on well-documented firms' heterogeneity that significantly impact their ability...
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