Showing 41 - 50 of 56,536
A tanulmány nemzetközi statisztikák alapján vizsgálja meg, mennyire helytálló a mai neoliberális főáram ama állítása, hogy a jóléti állam haldoklik, redisztribúciós szerepe a fejlett ipari országokban csökken, visszafejlődik. Elemzi a szociális közkiadások százalékos...
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Despite a culture of innovation, the U.S. health care system has been markedly deficient in its implementation of information technology (IT). Although recent initiatives have endeavored to remedy this shortcoming, fragmentation, high costs, information asymmetries, and evolving regulatory...
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In the 11 years since the Romanow Commission warned that the income of physicians was threatening to become a significant driver of Canadian health-care costs, doctors in this country proceeded to chalk up some of their most rapid gains in earnings since the implementation of medicare. Since...
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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (“ACA”) requires most Americans to obtain health insurance for themselves and their dependents by 2014. In a recent essay, Professor Douglas Kahn and Professor Jeffrey Kahn take issue with one of several justifications for what has...
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Il presente rapporto analizza l'impatto del DL 15/04/2002 n. 63 del Governo Italiano ("Misure per il contenimento della spesa farmaceutica"), con particolare riferimento agli effetti indotti da tali misure sulle decisioni di investimento delle imprese, sulla struttura dell'industria di...
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Egy korábbi dolgozatomban (Simonovits [1998a]) az új magyar nyugdíjrendszert és annak néhány kérdését elemeztem. Abban a cikkben célszerűnek láttam, hogy elkerüljem a matematikai modelleket, és csak röviden utaltam a modellezés eredményeire. Ebben a dolgozatban mintegy pótolom...
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In this first law review article on the subject of sec. 419A(f)(6) multiple employer welfare plans, the authors examine the purposes of welfare plans, the history of VEBAs and welfare plans, all relevant case law, and the basis for IRS litigation in the area. The article examines recent private...
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Il mercato dei farmaci (come, più in generale, quello delle prestazioni sanitarie) presenta tutti gli elementi economici che suggeriscono l'applicazione di schemi regolatori: dalla differenza tra soggetti finanziatori e soggetti beneficiari (indispensabile a mantenere l'accesso universale alle...
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La presente nota dapprima descrive lo status quo della normativa regolante ricongiunzioni e totalizzazioni; successivamente, si evidenzia come, mentre il criterio di calcolo retributivo della pensione è inadatto a trattare con semplicità e trasparenza le situazioni di mobilità lavorativa e...
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