Showing 81 - 90 of 8,377
Počas obdobia „studenej vojny“ a blokového súperenia, problémy bezpečnosti v juhovýchodnej Európe (JVE) boli chápané ako súčasť globálnej konfrontácie medzi „kapitalizmom“ a „socializmom“. Bezpečnostné výzvy regiónu sa neodlišovali od iných konfliktných...
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Autor sa vo svojom článku zaoberá vymedzením fundamentalizmu na základe miery jeho zapojenia do opozičnej činnosti a miery využívania násilných metód pri presadzovaní svojich cieľov. Ďalej sa zaoberá podstatou islamizmu, ako fenoménu považovaného za praktickú realizáciu...
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Súčasná bezpečnostná situácia je komplikovaná a začína sa približovať ku kritickej hranici. Ľudstvo stojí pred mnohými globálnymi hrozbami a rizikami. Príčiny a základy týchto hrozieb spočívajú v negatívnych následkoch, dopadoch m.i. globalizácie a exponenciálneho rastu...
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The purpose of this volume is to identify how the New Labor Party (in Britain) managed at least linguistically, to create its own political discourse known as the Third Path. The author discussed Tony Blair’s speech in terms of critical analysis of discourse, therefore focused on an analysis...
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This thesis focuses on the December 1989 Revolution that ended the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania. The research question explores the specificity and the consequences of the live coverage of the Revolution. In order to test, whether the television informed and mobilised people and,...
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The aim of this paper was to investigate differentials on inequalities of educational opportunities between nuclear families and single parents families. The motivation to work is to verify if the result of literature which predicts a negative effect of belonging to a single parent family on...
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In this article we test the hypothesis in which the democratization policies for higher education adopted in Brazil had reduced the strength of the association between socioeconomic background and the entry chances in this educational level. For this, we used microdata from Monthly Employment...
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Religion as a variable with an impact on sexual behavior has emerged in the Brazilian literature as two changes are embedded in this society: the changing religious scenery and the norms and values associated with sexuality. The influence of religion on sexuality has been investigated by...
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Spoken English may sometimes cause us to face a peculiar problem in respect of the reception and the decoding of auditive signals, which might lead to mishearings. Risen from erroneous perception, from a lack in understanding the communication and an involuntary mental replacement of a certain...
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The Dearfield Dream Project is a collaborative research initiative to conduct historical, cultural, archaeological, and environmental studies on the early 20th Century African-American colony site of Dearfield, Colorado, USA. Because the breadth and significance of the Dearfield Project requires...
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