Showing 271 - 274 of 274
This technical document provides in a single document a template to follow when using spreadsheet Social Accounting Matrix data to drive a GAMS-based Computable General Equilibrium model.
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The H-1B visa program is popular and controversial at the same time. It is supposed to serve U.S. interests by helping bring some of the most talented scientists and engineers (S&E) to this country. There is considerable dispute, however, whether the program is successful in this regard, or...
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This resource document provides a method for streamlining the IMPLAN-GAMS SAM - CGE work flow. We present the step-by-step procedure for constructing a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) in IMPLAN, reading the data into GAMS, saving the SAM in spreadsheet format to facilitate subsequent direct...
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This report documents the development of state-level input-output models for Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Oregon and the augmentation of the national input-output model that was developed previously for the project Valuing Domestically Produced Natural Gas and Oil . The state IO models were...
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