Showing 7,551 - 7,560 of 8,228
The single most likely way to leave the unemployment insurance (UI) register in Hungary is not by getting a job but by exhausting entitlement to benefit. Two questions follow. First, what are the implications of the cessation of UI for living standards? Second, does UI exhaustion have much...
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With unemployment levels at record highs, policymakers are struggling to find any means possible to put Americans back to work. In this PAPER, we use the 2007 Computer and Internet Use Supplement of the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey to estimate the effect of Internet use on job...
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This paper simultaneously investigates the effectiveness of benefit sanctions and active labour market programmes on the exit rate from un mployment using Danish data. In the data about one third of the individuals who are sanctioned also participate in some active labour market programmes...
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This study examines the extent state dependence among unemployed Danish immigrants in a dynamic discrete choice framework. Three alternative methodologies are employed to control for the problem of the initial condition. The empirical findings show that there is a considerable correlation...
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Worker flows and job flows behave differently over the business cycle. The authors investigate the sources of the differences by studying quantitative properties of a multiple-worker version of the search/matching model that features endogenous job separation and intra-firm wage bargaining....
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In this study, we examine the efficacy of four nuanced language interventions in job postings within male-dominated fields, aiming to attract female applicants. Utilizing a discrete choice experiment with over 5,000 participants across five Latin American countries, we investigate two...
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Motivated by a household search model, this study analyzes labor market transitions for men and women in couples, distinguishing the states of nonparticipation, unemployed search, and employment. The model allows for household member specific unobserved heterogeneity, correlated across partners....
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On-the-job search is increasingly recognized as an important potential driver of labor market dynamics over the business cycle. Using the UK Labor Force Survey, we find robust empirical evidence that on-the-job search is countercyclical, and that the cyclical fluctuations have important...
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We study the results of a massive nationwide correspondence experiment sending more than 83,000 fictitious applications with randomized characteristics to geographically dispersed jobs posted by 108 of the largest U.S. employers. Distinctively Black names reduce the probability of employer...
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We develop a theory of labor markets in a monetary economy with four realistic features: search frictions, worker productivity shocks, wage rigidity, and two-sided lack of commitment. Due to the non-Coasean nature of labor contracts, inefficient job separations occur in the form of endogenous...
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