Showing 73,821 - 73,830 of 83,093
Keller and Levinson (2002) utilize state-level panel data on inflows of foreign direct investment along with an innovative measure of relative pollution abatement costs to assess the impact of environmental stringency on capital flows. Using standard parametric panel data models, the authors...
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We consider a general sample selection model where unit and item nonresponse simultaneously affect a regression relationship of interest, and both types of nonresponse are potentially correlated. We estimate both parametric and semiparametric specifications of the model. The parametric...
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The paper evaluates the effects of two labor market programs in Germany, namely the Job Creation- /Structural Adjustment Scheme and Vocational Training, on the unemployment duration of long term unemployed persons. The study uses data from the Mikrozensus Sachsen. A two step...
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The paper intends to give a survey on nonparametric methods to solve the sample selection problem. We give the main idea and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the procedures that are used for the evaluation of Active Labour Market Policy. The two step Nearest-Neighbor-Matching is presented...
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Inverse problems can be described as functional equations where the value of the function is known or easily estimable but the argument is unknown. Many problems in econometrics can be stated in the form of inverse problems where the argument itself is a function. For example, consider a...
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Often researchers find parametric models restrictive and sensitive to deviations from the parametric specifications; semi-nonparametric models are more flexible and robust, but lead to other complications such as introducing infinite-dimensional parameter spaces that may not be compact and the...
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Economists who use survey or administrative data for inferences regarding a population may want to combine information obtained from two or more samples drawn from the population. This is the case if there is no single sample that contains all relevant variables. A special case occurs if...
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This chapter reviews recent advances in nonparametric and semiparametric estimation, with an emphasis on applicability to empirical research and on resolving issues that arise in implementation. It considers techniques for estimating densities, conditional mean functions, derivatives of...
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When one wants to estimate a model without specifying the functions and distributions parametrically, or when one wants to analyze the identification of a model independently of any particular parametric specification, it is useful to perform a nonparametric analysis of identification. This...
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This chapter discusses structural econometric approaches to auctions. Remarkably, much of what can be learned from auction data can be learned without restrictions beyond those derived from the relevant economic model. This enables us to take a nonparametric perspective in discussing how the...
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