Showing 11 - 20 of 417
This paper analyses the response of female labour force participation to changes in labour markets and policies supporting the reconciliation of work and family life, with country-level data from the early 1980s for 18 OECD countries. It includes an original analysis of interactions and...
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This paper assesses the extent to which the increase in women's human capital, as measured by educational attainment, has contributed to economic growth in OECD countries over the past five decades. Using longitudinal cross-country data covering 30 countries from 1960 to 2008 on education (the...
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La fécondité a baissé rapidement dans les pays de l'OCDE dans la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, époque marquée par un progrès économique continu dans ces pays. Un retournement s'est cependant produit dans la dernière décennie, la fécondité se mettant à réaugmenter dans les pays les...
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La plupart des pays développés renforcent leur dispositif d'aide en direction des familles ou en mettent un en place s'ils n'en avaient pas. L'investissement des pays de l'OCDE dans ce domaine est passé de 1,6% du PIB en moyenne en 1980 à 2,4% en 2003. L'un des buts de ces politiques...
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Fertility fell rapidly in OECD countries in the second half of the twentieth century, a period marked by continuous economic growth in these regions of the world. A trend reversal has been observed in the last decade, however, and fertility hasstarted rising again in the most developed countries...
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Most developed countries are introducing a system of support for families or expanding their existing one. Investment by OECD countries in family support rose from 1.6% of GDP on average in 1980 to 2.4% in 2003. One of the aims of family policies is to increase fertility while raising wom-en's...
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This paper provides an overview of the nature and key priorities of family support services operating in OECD countries to inform on the factors that contribute to their quality and delivery effectiveness. The evidence collated in this paper draws from the responses to Questionnaires answered by...
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