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This paper presents a quantitative evaluation of the existing Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) model, its variants, and the modified Mishra and Singh (MS) models for their suitability to particular land use, soil type and combination thereof using a large set of rainfall-runoff...
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Using a large set of rainfall-runoff data from 234 small to large watersheds from USA, this paper evaluates the modified version of the [Mishra, S. K. and Singh, V. P., 2002a, ‘SCS-CN-based hydrologic simulation package’, in V. P. Singh and D. K. Frevert (eds), Mathematical Models in Small...
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This work presents the development of a rainfall-runoff model for the Iguaçu River basin in southern Brazil. The model was developed to support the operation planning of hydroelectric power plants and is intended to predict the natural flow based on meteorological rain forecasts. A recurrent...
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The non-stationarity in runoff regime may be attributed to various causes such as climate change, land use change, and man-made runoff control structures. Degradation of land use can induce significant impact on infiltration and surface roughness leading to higher flood discharges. This study...
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Over the past few decades, many numerical streamflow prediction techniques using observed time series (TS) have been developed and widely used in water resources planning and management. Recent advances in quantitative rainfall forecasting by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models have made...
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Estimates of a low flow index in ungauged catchments calculated by a regional regression model and a regional hydrological model were compared for a study region southwestern Norway. The regression method was based on a relationship between the low flow index and an optimal set of catchment...
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The objective of the method explained in this paper isto obtain a better insight in the decision rulesapplied by geomorphologists in the direct mapping oflandslide hazard. This can be obtained by forcinggeomorphologists to specify for each unit (polygon) intheir hazard map the criteria that they...
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As airport construction competes for land, more and more new developments involve major landform changes, from the channel modifications on the River Bollin at Manchester Airport to the seaward expansion of runways at Sydney and Beirut and the enlargement or total creation of islands at Chek Lap...
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exist, geomorphology as a conditioning factor is still used in limited number of studies. Considering this factor, the …
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