Showing 81 - 90 of 34,322
We apply a recently proposed method to disentangle unobserved heterogeneity from risk in returns to education. We replicate the original study on US men and extend to US women, UK men and German men. Most original results are not robust. A college education cannot universally be considered an...
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How does the persistence of earnings change over the life cycle? Do workers at different ages face the same variance of idiosyncratic shocks? This paper proposes a novel specification for residual earnings that allows for an age profile in the persistence and variance of labor income shocks. We...
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We apply a recently proposed method to disentangle unobserved heterogeneity from risk in returns to education. We replicate the original study on US men and extend to US women, UK men and German men. Most original results are not robust. A college education cannot universally be considered an...
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We examine whether subjective information routinely collected in general surveys can be used to construct a single measure of underlying match quality which helps test matching models and predict labour market outcomes of workers.
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We investigate the existence of causal mechanisms from parental leave duration to subsequent wages. Our instrumental variable is a French reform giving financial incentives to take a parental leave. Two longitudinal datasets provide us with information on wages and familial background from 1976...
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This study analyses the effect of public sector sponsored continuous vocational training and retraining in East Germany after unification with West Germany in 1990. It presents estimates of the average gains from training participation in terms of earnings, employment probabilities and career...
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In this paper we describe the compiling of the integrated data which comprises longitudinal information on Finnish companies and workers. The company panel of the data is dynamically representative over time and covers a wide range of the economy. The worker panel covers in principle all people...
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Work-related training is considered to be very important for providing the workforce with the necessary skills for maintaining and enhancing the competitiveness of the firms and the economy. According to the classical human capital theory general training is entirely financed by workers. This...
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The paper studies the determinants of labor force participation by East German women after unification. To isolate the role of preferences on labor force participation from individual characteristics, we develop a panel data model that simultaneously explains participation, employment, and...
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