Showing 141 - 150 of 7,798
70% of the logos of the 40 largest stocks of Euronext Paris that have been modified in the past 20 years have become more baroque. It is a symptom of the baroquisation trend of consumption, which put brands in the quandary between following the trends of market taste and adjusting the aesthetic...
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We study the compensation package offered by family firms. Using matched employer-employee data for a sample of French establishments in the 2000s, we first show that family firms pay on average lower wages to their workers. This family/non-family wage gap is robust to controlling for several...
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This article uses a competence-based approach to the firm in order to analyse the recent destabilisation of internal labour markets. We argue that increasing knowledge codification made possible by the diffusion of information and communication technologies has made competences less dependent...
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Today’s unstable and unpredictable world, from a financial and a legal point of view, creates a new requirement, the performance. In this context, the company’s legal performance refers to its ability of develop legal resources and to connect it to other resources to reach its goals,...
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According to economic theory, health insurance raises medical care consumptions by inducing ex-post moral hazard behavior, it is to say the purchase of health care that individual value below their production cost. Nevertheless, among the economists community, some suggest that these additional...
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The objective of this dissertation is to examine, under a sociological lens, the new practice of the corporate sustainability performance measurement. This emerging practice seems to be a social space where are structured various games of power, confrontation and resistance of many actors...
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The present thesis addresses - cross-cutting the fields of organization sociology, strategic management and human resources - the motivation-stakes, the strategic challenges and the phenomenology inherent to the conduction of a diversity policy in the companies. The innovative nature of a...
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Sovereign wealth funds, investment vehicles created, funded and controlled by nation states, do not adhere to any clear legal status. Their public ownership and ultimate objectives, together with the private nature of their activities, most of which are confidential and international, have...
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The aim of this chapter is to better understand how identity regulation – a key mode of control – is exercised within organizations. This process ‘encompasses the more or less intentional effects of social practices upon processes of identity construction and reconstruction’ (Alvesson &...
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