Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Wave–current interaction (WCI) processes can potentially alter tidal currents, and consequently affect the tidal stream resource at wave exposed sites. In this research, a high resolution coupled wave-tide model of a proposed tidal stream array has been developed. We investigated the effect of...
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Previous results from one-dimensional model studies have demonstrated that large-scale exploitation of the tidal stream resource could have a significant impact on large-scale sediment dynamics. In this research, we model the impact that such exploitation would have on the dynamics of headland...
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This paper outlines some of the issues which need to be considered when analysing the extraction potential of a tidal current resource. Site selection is not a simple case of identifying an energetic site with an appropriately large peak tidal current. The characteristics of the current...
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This short technical note addresses the extraction of energy from a simplified channel in which flow is driven by a head difference between inlet and outlet. This model is used to indicate that there is a maximum rate at which energy can be artificially extracted from the flowing water and that...
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The regular periodicity of astronomical tides allows their accurate prediction, and so it should be possible to determine how best to optimise the future distribution of arrays of tidal energy devices for any shelf sea region. By considering together the magnitude and phase of tidal currents...
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Tidal Energy Converter (TEC) arrays are expected to reduce tidal current speeds locally, thus impacting sediment processes, even when positioned above bedrock, as well as having potential impacts to nearby offshore sand banks. Furthermore, the tidal dissipation at potential TEC sites can produce...
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The waters surrounding the Orkney archipelago in the north of Scotland are one of the key regions in the world suitable for exploitation of both wave and tidal energy resources. Accordingly, Orkney waters are currently host to 1.08GW of UK Crown Estate leased wave and tidal energy projects, with...
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Regional assessments of the wave energy resource tend to focus on averaged quantities, and so provide potential developers with no sense of temporal variability beyond seasonal means. In particular, such assessments give no indication of inter-annual variability – something that is critical...
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When selecting sites for marine renewable energy projects, there are a wide range of economical and practical constraints to be considered, from the magnitude of the resource through to proximity of grid connections. One factor that is not routinely considered in tidal energy site selection, yet...
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Many regions throughout the world that are suitable for exploitation of the wave energy resource also experience large tidal ranges and associated strong tidal flows. However, tidal effects are not included in the majority of modelling studies which quantify the wave energy resource. This...
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