Showing 1 - 10 of 13
A major barrier to the acceptance of small wind turbines is that they are perceived to be noisy. This paper investigates an aspect of noise emission that has not been considered; vibration and noise generation from the tower. First, vibration measurements were made using accelerometers placed on...
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The paper demonstrates a computational methodology for the noise prediction of an horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotor in time domain. The aeroacoustic modeling is based on the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation considering only the surface monopole and dipole noise sources. The accurate...
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This paper develops and validates the first principle based numerical method for predicting the noise radiated from the rotating Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) blades. The noise radiated to the far-field was predicted by the code based on Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings (FW–H) equation, using...
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This paper presents the wind tunnel test results from MEXNEXT, an IEA wind task for analyzing the measurements which have been taken in the EU project ‘MEXICO’. A 2/4.5 scaled model of ‘MEXICO’ rotor was tested in the KARI low wind tunnel with 5 × 3.75 m2 open jet test section. The...
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Large-area, glass-metal heliostats have collection areas in the range of 100 m2–200 m2. The heliostats of Solar Tower power station, with high accuracy requirements during performance, are located at open terrain or suburban terrain and they are sensitive to gust. Therefore, wind load and...
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The aerodynamic performance of the ‘NREL Phase VI’ rotor with a 2 m diameter was tested in the open jet test section. The original rotor with a 10.06 m diameter was tested in the NASA Ames tunnel and the test result was used as validation data for the computational model. The Reynolds...
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The main handicap of the concentrating solar power technology is still the higher cost compared with the conventional coal power plant. Heliostat arrays cause about 40% of the costs of central receiver power plants. The cost reduction of heliostats is of crucial importance to central receiver...
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In order to improve the torque performance of the propeller type wind turbine, and to increase the relative rotational speed of the generator, two-staged wind turbines were proposed. The experimental results of a wind tunnel test showed that self-starting characteristics of two-staged co-axial...
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Both numerical and experimental studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of an omni-flow wind turbine designed to provide renewable electricity on the top of urban buildings like skyscrapers. The numerical approach was based on Finite Volume Method (FVM) and the turbulence flow was...
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