Showing 1 - 10 of 81
The aim of the present study is investigation of free convection cooling in an L-shape enclosure filled with copper–water nanofluid. The governing equations are solved numerically using finite volume approach. The effects of the volume fraction of the Cu nanoparticles, Rayleigh number and the...
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The “Shell” dryer is an African solar food dryer using natural convection. Its design has been defined by users, in function of local working conditions and of its easy using. But it is necessary for the best behaviour of this dryer to optimize its air flow section design. We present here a...
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In this paper, influence of an external magnetic field on ferrofluid flow and heat transfer in a semi annulus enclosure with sinusoidal hot wall is investigated. The governing equations which are derived by considering the both effects of FHD (Ferrohydrodynamic) and MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic) are...
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The performance of modern heavy-duty gas turbines is greatly determined by the accurate numerical predictions of thermal loading on the hot-end components. The purpose of this paper is: (1) to present an approach applying a novel numerical technique—the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method—to...
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This paper investigates thermal performance of a new design of minichannel-based solar flat-plate collector. The solar collector consists of an array of minichannels located in the absorber plate which is covered by single glass cover. Water was used as the working fluid. A numerical model was...
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In this work, the entropy generation rate in a purely electroosmotic flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a parallel flat plate microchannel is studied. The power-law model is used for the rheological constitutive equation of the fluid under consideration. The entropy generation rate is obtained as...
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The efficiency of micro gas turbine generator is affected significantly by the temperature level in the micro gas turbine system. If the operation temperature of generator and compressor increases, the efficiency of generator and compressor decreases, greatly. This study investigates the heat...
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Accurate calculation of the heat transfer rate across building blocks may lead to significant energy savings. Conjugate heat transfer analysis is carried out numerically to compute the heat transfer rate/R-value as the number/layout of air-filled cavities is changed. Conduction heat transfer in...
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We investigate the entropy transport dynamics of a Newtonian fluid in a parallel-plate channel considering the effect of conjugate heat transfer into the analysis. We consider that the flow to be actuated by the combined influences of externally applied pressure gradient and movement of the...
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