Showing 151 - 160 of 14,734
Trade economists traditionally study the effect of lower variable trade costs. While increasingly important politically, technical barriers to trade (TBTs) have received less attention. Viewing TBTs as fixed regulatory costs related to the entry into export markets, we use a model with...
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The business literature suggests that exporters either use trade intermediaries or own foreign sales representations. Standard trade models are silent about this choice. We develop a model where producers differ with respect to competitive advantage and where trade intermediaries arise...
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Cultural proximity increases bilateral trade flows through a trade-cost and a bilateral-affinity (preferences) channel. Conventional measures of cultural proximity, such as common language, common religion, etc., do not allow to separately quantify those channels empirically. We argue that...
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Rapidly growing Chinese exports are middle-tech - and increasingly high-tech - manufactured goods. China runs a huge and growing bilateral trade surplus with the United States, and the position of Japan has changed radically from being a net exporter to China in the 1980s and most of 1990s to...
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While the regional economic integration encompassing the former Soviet Union (FSU) transpires to be inefficient, there appears to be a stronger interest in regionalism in smaller groups of more homogenous and geographically connected countries of the region, specifically, Central Asia. Using a...
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In diesem Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie groß die ökonomischen Effekte der EU-Richtlinie zur Dienstleistungsfreiheit aus dem Jahr 2006 zu veranschlagen sind. Zunächst werden einige Thesen zu den Wirkungen einer Liberalisierung des grenzüberschreitenden Dienstleistungsverkehrs...
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Die internationale Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise beeinflusste das Spannungsverhältnis zwi-schen Solidarität und Wettbewerb in der Europäischen Union in zweierlei Hinsicht. Zum ei-nen drängten die Regierungen der europäischen Mitgliedstaaten darauf, ihre notleidenden Banken (aber auch...
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1971-2009. Financial shocks are defined as unexpected changes of a financial conditions index (FCI), recently developed by Hatzius et al. (2010), for the US. We use a time-varying factor-augmented VAR to model the FCI jointly with a large set of macroeconomic, financial and trade variables for...
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We study how two distinct forms of globalisation, trade cost reductions and opening up of trade in previously shielded sectors, affect sector-specific wages, employment levels and aggregate welfare in a two-country model of general oligopolistic equilibrium (GOLE) with partly unionised labour...
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In this paper we investigate the contagion effect between stock markets of U.S and sixteen OECD countries due to Global Financial Crisis (2007-2009). We apply Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH model Engle (2002) to daily stock price data (2002-2009). In order to recognize the contagion...
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