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Resorting to an endogenous growth framework, the paper studies the implications of taking market clearing as a long term possibility rather than an every period implicit assumption, as is conventional in growth analysis. Under the proposed setup, the system may converge to a market equilibrium...
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The pressure from national lobbies may lead governments to shift from an optimal into a non-optimal innovation policy. This paper examines the growth and welfare effects of optimal and non-optimal innovation policies. The non-optimal policy corresponds to a subsidy for national innovators that...
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We explore the dynamic behavior of a New Keynesian monetary policy problem with expectations formed, partially, under adaptive learning. We consider two alternative cases: on the first setting, the private economy has the ability to predict rationally real economic conditions (the output gap)...
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We study the mechanisms according to which social infrastructure influences the preservation of physical capital and, consequently, economic growth. The model considers that social infrastructure is a specific type of human capital, which acts in order to preserve already existing physical...
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A local dynamic analysis, in the neighborhood of the steady-state, is developed for one and two-sector endogenous growth models. The problem differs from the conventionally assumed growth setups because one considers that expectations concerning the next period value of the control variable...
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The main aim of this paper is to analyse the dynamics of nonlinear discrete-time maps generated by duopoly games with heterogeneous and quadratic cost functions, in which players do not form expetations about the rival’s actions accordingto the ratioal expectations hypothesis. We discusse here...
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This paper analyzes the dynamic properties of a standard New Keynesian monetary policy model when private agents expectations are assumed to be formed under a learning mechanism. As pointed out in the literature, learning with decreasing gain estimators tends to lead to convergence to the...
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This paper is concerned with the following problem. In a bounded rational game where players cannot be as super-rational as in Kalai and Leher (1993), are there simple adaptive heuristics or rules that can be used in order to secure convergence to Nash equilibria, or convergence only to a larger...
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There is by now a large consensus in modern monetary policy. This consensus has been built upon a dynamic general equilibrium model of optimal monetary policy with sticky prices a la Calvo and forward looking behavior. In this paper we extend this standard model by introducing nonlinearity into...
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In this paper, we explore the dynamic properties of a group of simple deterministic difference equation systems in which the conventional perfect foresight assumption gives place to a mechanism of adaptive learning. These systems have a common feature: under perfect foresight (or rational...
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