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Internetul are deja un impact fundamental asupra modului in care intreprinderile comunica cu clientii si furnizorii lor, modului in care persoanele isi cauta de lucru, modului in care consumatorii gasesc informatii si servicii, ca si asupra felului cum sunt transmise stiri si mesajele publicitare.
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Progresul tehnologic accelerat din ultimii ani a dus la cresterea nevoii de a obtine imediat informatii utile pentru fundamentarea rapida a deciziei. Aparitia Internet-ului a impus mutatii, abordari si modalitati noi si in organizarea targurilor si expozitiilor. In aceste conditii, organizatorii...
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This paper aims to identify, describe and disseminate the most important search engine optimization techniques that marketers should consider for a better positioning of their web sites in the search engines results page (SERP).We have selected just the major factors capable of influencing the...
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Articolul isi propune sa reliefeze care este influenta retelei sociale Facebook asupra notorietatii unui anumit brand. In ziua de astazi Facebook este reteau numarul unu in ceea ce reprezinta traficul de informatii, accesul la informatiile unor persoane, ale unor firme. Marcile cu ajutorul...
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Cet article a pour objectif d’explorer deux stratégies pouvant répondre au problème d’arrivée à maturité du «marché» de la collecte de fonds dans le secteur associatif : rajeunir la cible visée et changer d’outil marketing. Après une revue de littérature, il présente les...
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This dissertation falls within the scope of social marketing. The aim is to analyze the effects of guilt induction in fundraising campaigns. After a literature review on charitable giving and guilt in marketing, psychology and social sciences, we focus on guilt triggering, on stimulus intensity...
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Guilt is a common emotion used by charities in their fundraising mailings. But is it effective to trigger guilt at the receiver in order to support a cause? This communication aims to identify what are the emotionnal, cognitive and behavioral responses of the receivers of guilt messages. To this...
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To charitable organizations, catalogue mail order firms offer an opportunity to expand both database and revenue. But an offer must be made very carefully since motivation for a donation (altruistic) seems incompatible with that of a purchase (economic). This research is designed to study the...
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Comment faire connaître une association, qu'elle soit petite, moyenne ou grande ? Comment motiver les bénévoles ? Comment collecter des fonds auprès des particuliers ? Comment établir des partenariats avec les entreprises ? Comment mener des campagnes de communication efficaces ? Qu'a...
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This article examines two possible solutions when a charity reaches the point where donations cease to increase: either rejuvenate the target population or use different marketing tools. Following a review of the literature, this article presents the results of two surveys carried out on 884...
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