Showing 51 - 60 of 10,604
The problem of instrument proliferation and its consequences (overfitting of endogenous variables, bias of estimates, weakening of Sargan/Hansen test) are well known. The literature provides little guidance on how many instruments is too many. It is common practice to report the instrument count...
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We investigate the finite sample and asymptotic properties of the within-groups (WG), the random-effects quasi-maximum likelihood (RQML), the generalized method of moment (GMM) and the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimators for a panel autoregressive structural equation model...
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I discuss instrumental variable estimates of the effect of providing unpaid adult care on the caregivers' probability of being employed, using eight waves of the European Community Household Panel. I focus on men aged 40–64 and women aged 40–59 from thirteen Member States, aggregated in two...
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Literature on residential water demand is rich, however, there are few estimates of price and income elasticities for Central and Eastern Europe and for countries undergoing economic or political transitions. To cover this gap, we estimate residential water demand in the Czech Republic - which...
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This paper focuses on the empirical link between monetary policy transparency and output volatility. Key questions addressed are: (i) Does transparency about policy processes stabilize output? (ii) Whether different aspects of transparency differ qualitatively or quantitatively in terms of their...
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Determinar la relación entre las tasas de cobertura de acueducto y alcantarillado y la calidad del agua con la mortalidad infantil es clave para el diseño de políticas públicas que buscan mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. El presente estudio encuentra que –para el caso de...
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The German reserve power market was subject to important regulatory changes in recent years. A new market design was created by synchronization and interconnection of the four control areas. In this paper, we analyze whether or not the reforms led to lower prices for minute reserve power (MRP)....
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We highlight the fact that the Sargan-Hansen test for GMM estimators applied to panel data is a joint test of valid orthogonality conditions and coefficient stability over time. A possible reason why the null hypothesis of valid orthogonality conditions is rejected is therefore that the slope...
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This study empirically investigates whether several negative income shocks to medical suppliers lead them to provide patients with unnecessary and/or excessive treatments. We use a variable that is objectively assessed as representing inducement: the amount of fraudulent and/or incorrect claims...
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This paper studies measuring the average effects of X on Y in a structural system with random coefficients and confounding. We do not require (conditionally) exogenous regressors or instruments. Using proxies W for the confounders U, we ask how do the average direct effects of U on Y compare in...
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