Showing 41,641 - 41,650 of 42,666
Latin American performance during the global financial crisis was unprecedented. Many developing and emerging countries successfully weathered the worst crisis since the Great Depression. Was it good luck? Was it good policies? In this paper we compare growth during the Asian and global...
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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has surged in Latin America (LA) since the mid 1990s. European and North American FDI is of capital importance. We investigate the FDI-growth nexus in LA allowing for different source countries, regional hetero- geneity, interaction terms with FDI, and more than...
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This paper presents new estimations of per capita GDP in colonial times for the two pillars of the Spanish empire: Mexico and Peru. We find dynamic economies as evidenced by increasing real wages, urbanization, and silver mining. Their growth trajectory is such that both regions reduced the gap...
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The exchange rate is the most important price in any economy, since it affects all other prices. Exchange rates are set, either directly or indirectly, by government policy. Exchange rates are also central to the global economy, for they profoundly influence all international economic activity....
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The exchange rate is the most important price in any economy, since it affects all other prices. Exchange rates are set, either directly or indirectly, by government policy. Exchange rates are also central to the global economy, for they profoundly influence all international economic activity....
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Este trabajo analiza el empoderamiento femenino en América Latina desde la perspectiva de los Informes de Desarrollo Humano de Naciones Unidas. Atendemos a los dos indicadores que miden el empoderamiento de las mujeres en el Índice de Desigualdad de Género 2010-2011: los logros educacionales...
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Durante el período comprendido entre 1993 y 2013, las empresas españolas han realizado inversiones extranjeras directas en el mundo por valor superior a los 582.944 millones de euros, de los cuales el 38% se concentraron en el continente americano. Especialmente significativos son los 162.512...
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This paper examines the role of bank ownership structure on capital structure by [using the financial and ownership data from Caprio et al. (2007) that covered 244 banks across 44 countries]. We classified banks across the countries with geographical regional dummies indicating if the banks are...
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This paper analyzes how the informality responds to the quality of the labor enforcement and the bundle of benefits that the formal workers receive in different countries of Latin America. Countries with different levels of informality were compared, highlighting the features that could induce...
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