Showing 1 - 10 of 61
The formulation and quality of a computationally efficient model of offshore wind turbine surface foundations are examined. The aim is to establish a model, workable in the frequency and time domain, that can be applied in aeroelastic codes for fast and reliable evaluation of the dynamic...
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Considering nonlinear soil–pile interaction, seismic fragility analysis of offshore wind turbine was performed. Interface between ground soils and piles were modeled as nonlinear spring elements. Ground excitation time histories were applied to spring boundaries. Two methods of applying ground...
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In order to study the seismic response of the embankment slopes with different reinforcing measures, shaking table tests were performed on three embankment slope models (i.e., unreinforced embankment slope, 2-layer reinforced embankment slope and 4-layer reinforced embankment slope). Wenchuan...
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Site effects studies using microtremor free-field measurements were performed recently in five Slovenian towns characterized by increased seismic hazard to determine resonance frequency of soft sediments. In this study, microtremor investigations were extended to the measurements inside...
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Mexico City, political and economic center of Mexico, was founded in a lake, at more than 2000 m above sea level. The lacustrine mud under the downtown area is associated with high seismic risk. Twenty years after the destructive 1985 earthquake (Ms = 8.1) we review published research on...
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The assessment of local site effects on seismic ground motions is of great importance in earthquake engineering practice. Several destructive earthquakes in the past have demonstrated that the amplification of ground motion and associated damage to structures due to local site conditions is a...
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Main purpose of this paper is to study the influence of vertical stress on soil liquefaction in urban areas. The literature provides limited information on vertical stress analysis of multiple footings, and, as a result, there is no accurate way to account for the effect of the foundation depth...
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There are many deterministic and probabilistic liquefaction assessment measures to classify if soil liquefaction will take place or not. Different approaches give dissimilar safety factor and liquefaction probabilities. So, reliability analysis is required to deal with these different...
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Liquefaction behaviors of xylan were studied as treated by six different hydrothermal methods. As a comparative study, a xylan sample isolated from corn core was subjected to hot-compressed water, hot-compressed 0.01 and 0.1wt% HO2 solutions under pressurization of N or CO2 at 110-250 °C for 0...
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