Showing 61 - 70 of 382
Over the next four decades, increasing old-age dependency ratios exert an enormous upward pressure on welfare spending in most developed countries. As this is mainly due to existing unfunded public pension schemes, many countries have embarked on far-reaching reforms in this area, strengthening...
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We present a non-cooperative model of a family's time allocation between work and a home-produced public good, and examine whether the income tax should apply to couples or individuals. While tax-induced labor supply distortions lead to overprovision of the public good, spouses' failure to...
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We consider a sequential game in which one player produces a public good and the other player can influence this decision by making an unconditional transfer. An efficient allocation requires the Lindahl property: the sum of the two (implicit) individual prices has to be equal to the resource...
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We investigate optimal taxation of lifetime income with and without an emigration option during old age. The government sets the rates of deferred taxation and of possibly reduced taxation of interest. If agents are immobile, the optimal policy consists in full deferral of income taxes on...
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Promoting investment in low carbon "clean" sectors has gained popularity over the last years under the heading of sustainable finance, at the same time raising concerns about adverse welfare effects of such policies. We analyze the economic impact of subsidizing investment in "clean" industries...
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Es ist zu erwarten, dass die EU-Taxonomie für nachhaltige Aktivitäten den Weg für eine differenzierte Behandlung von Kapitalanlagen bereitet. Eine Förderung »grüner« Finanzanlagen führt aber systematisch zu Einkommensverlusten aufgrund von Produktivitätsdifferenzen verschiedener...
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Miriam Beblo, Universität Hamburg, zeigt, dass die staatlichen Ausgaben in Deutschland für familien- und ehebezogene Maßnahmen im europäischen Mittelfeld liegen. In ihrer Gesamtheit bewirkten die Familienleistungen eine Umverteilung von Haushalten mit hohen zu Haushalten mit niedrigen...
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This paper explores the implications of gender-based income taxation in a noncooperative model of household behavior. In a first step, we show how gender-based taxes can act as Pigou taxes and correct the externality induced by a non-cooperative household equilibrium. We find that the first-best...
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