Showing 21 - 30 of 92
Time-dependent equilibrium correlation functions for interacting Brownian particles are analyzed. To this end the kinetic theory method recently proposed by Bławzdziewicz and Cichocki is used. The elementary processes (i.e. single particle diffusion and many-particle interactions) contributing...
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A new generalization of the Ornstein-Zernike equation for the functions describing equilibrium correlations between two groups of particles is proposed. The generalized direct correlation functions for two groups of particles are introduced, and the integral equations relating these functions to...
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In the framework of our generalization of the Debye-Bueche theory for the frictional properties of dilute polymer solutions we study the translational-friction coefficient of polymers with spherically symmetric segment distribution. A variational principle of minimum energy dissipation is...
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We study small-amplitude swimming of a deformable sphere in a viscous incompressible fluid. We assue that the surface displacement varies harmonically in time and calculate the resulting swimming velocity in perturbation theory to second order in the diplacement. The optimum efficiency of...
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A theory of settling of a dilute suspension of identical spherical particles in a viscous incompressible fluid is developed on the basis of the equations of transient Stokesian dynamics. The equations describe hydrodynamic interactions between particles moving under the influence of a constant...
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We derive Faxén theorems for the force, the torque and the symmetric force dipole moment acting on a spherically symmetric polymer suspended in arbitrary flow. The results are immediate generalizations of corresponding theorems for a hard sphere with mixed slip-stick boundary conditions.
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The effective linear transport properties of composites of spheres may be studied by the methods of statistical physics. The analysis leads to an exact cluster expansion. The resulting expression for the transport coefficients may be evaluated approximately as the sum of a mean field...
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We solve the creeping flow equations for two spherically symmetric particles immersed in an incompressible fluid. The flow pattern outside the particles is analyzed in a two-center expansion of spherical waves scattered from each of the particles. Hence we construct the friction matrix which...
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The transient settling in a viscous incompressible fluid of a spherical dilute cloud of particles starting from rest under the influence of a small constant applied force is studied in a continuum model on the basis of the linearized Navier–Stokes equations. Explicit expressions are derived...
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Escape by diffusion from a double-well potential across a barrier is studied on the basis of the Smoluchowski equation in one dimension. By comparison with exact results for a piecewise parabolic potential a reduced description is constructed in terms of a set of rate equations for the...
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