Showing 51 - 60 of 92
The torque exerted by a magnetic field on a sphere with permanent electric dipole moment moving steadily in a dielectric fluid is calculated to lowest order in the dipole moment. Hence the force exerted on a steadily rotating sphere with electric dipole moment is found by Onsager symmetry. The...
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We derive a cluster expansion for the wavenumber- and frequency-dependent diffusion coefficient of a suspension of interacting Brownian particles. The diffusion coefficient is expressed in terms of evolution operators of progressively increasing complexity. We expect that at low frequency only...
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The theory of propagation of light through a medium of molecules with induced multipole moments of arbitrary order is studied. Positional and orientational correlations between molecules are neglected. A central result is the generalization of Lorentz's expression for the average local field...
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We consider thermal fluctuations in a system with many degrees of freedom described by macroscopic equations and discuss the question how by elimination of variables one can arrive at a contracted stochastic equation for a subsystem. It is shown that for the validity of the...
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The theorems derived in a previous article are employed to calculate the force density induced on a sphere moving in an incompressible fluid in nonstationary flow with mixed stick-slip boundary conditions. As applications we derive expressions of the Faxén type for the total force, the total...
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We derive fluctuation theorems for dielectrics with periodic boundary conditions defined by a Bravais lattice in which the configuration of a large number of permanent dipoles in the unit cell is repeated periodically. We use the electrostatic approximation and show that it is essential to...
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We formulate the solution of the linear Navier-Strokes equations for time-dependent incompresible flow about a spherical particle in terms of a scattering formalism. The solution is written as an expansion in terms of incident and scattered waves. The amplitudes of the outgoing waves are related...
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We evaluate the complete diffusion matrix describing the translation and rotation of two spherically symmetric polymers in hydrodynamic interaction in a viscous fluid. Explicit results in terms of a series expansion in inverse powers of the distance l between centers is obtained by a method of...
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We study the self-energy of a scalar wave propagating in a disordered static array of spherical scatterers. We employ the cluster expansion developed in a preceding article and provide detailed expressions for many contributions to the self-energy. The two-body term is covered completely. The...
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We study the rate of diffusion-controlled reactions in a random array of stationary spherical sinks. We simplify the system to a monopole model and show that different theories proposed in the literature lead to different results for the first few terms in the density expansion of the rate...
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