Showing 111 - 120 of 186
The quantum mechanical version of a classical model for studying the orientational degrees of freedom corresponding to a nematic liquid composed of biaxial molecules is presented. The effective degrees of freedom are described by operators carrying an SU(3) representation, which allows the...
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An analytical description of the nucleation stage in a supersaturated vapor with instantly created supersaturation is given with taking into account the vapor concentration inhomogeneities arising as a result of depletion due to nonstationary diffusion onto growing droplets. This description is...
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The transition feature of a ferroelectric thin film with a seeding layer is studied based on the transverse Ising model. The influence of the seeding layer on the transition behavior of a ferroelectric thin film is investigated systemically, and the effect of the interaction parameters for the...
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The Ising model in a transverse field, which involves quantum tunneling in double potential wells, has been used for many years to describe ferroelectric phase transitions. An alternative model previously published takes into account the effect of a non-negligible zero-point energy in the double...
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The liquid crystal phase transitions for a classical fluid mixture of hard ellipsoids with aspect ratios 10 : 1 and 1 : 10, and equal volume, have been studied at two compositions using Onsager theories and by computer simulation. The original Onsager from of the Helmholtz free energy contains...
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We present the results of theoretical study of a new scenario of condensation phase transitions in ensemble of particles in ferrofluids. In this scenario the phase transition begins with the formation of linear chainlike clusters which collapse into dense globules when a number of particles in...
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In the directed percolation model we consider the probability p of having an open bond as a complex parameter. We show that the roots of the survival probability PN(p) for a square lattice of N rows distribute themselves in a fractal manner in the complex p-plane. These roots have an...
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The free energy of the Ginzburg–Landau theory satisfies a nonlinear functional differential equation which is turned into a recursion relation. The latter is solved graphically order by order in the loop expansion to find all connected vacuum diagrams, and their corresponding weights. In this...
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Using a model-potential introduced in a previous paper, properties of bismuth under shock loading at high pressure are studied here theoretically. In addition to the usual hydrodynamic behaviour for compact and porous material, our investigation extends to dynamical temperature determination, a...
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We study an intrinsic curvature model defined on fixed-connectivity triangulated lattices enclosing a spherical core by using the canonical Monte Carlo simulation technique. We find that the model undergoes a discontinuous transition of shape transformation between the smooth state and a...
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