Showing 11 - 20 of 67
A one-dimensional (1D) system obeying the Hubble expansion is studied numerically using an N-body code. The rescaling of both space and time changes the dynamics which, in the rescaled frame, is analogous to the dynamics of a 1D one-component plasma with the addition of a friction term. We start...
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We consider a toy metric in four-dimensional space–time defined in terms of a recursive hierarchical prescription. The matter distribution turns out to be extremely inhomogeneous. Surprisingly, for very large samples the average mass density tends (very slowly) to a constant. There is no trace...
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non-extensivity of the universe. …
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A critical review is given of the theory of cosmological natural selection. The successes of the theory are described, and a number of published criticisms are answered. An observational test is described which could falsify the theory.
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In order to determine the concept of space interpretation in several multiverse hypotheses, this article analyzes a number of them, which arises from some theories of modern physics. The interpretation of space in the history of philosophy and science and their interrelation with modern physical...
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, not a few argued that the development of astronomy, cosmology and the discipline and its derivatives are not necessarily … the latest developments and the implications of cosmology for religiosity as well as show the misrelation between them. …
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perturbative scheme in the nonextensivity parameter (1−q) is developed by employing an infinite product expansion of the q …
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We investigate the dynamical stability of a fully coupled system of N inertial rotators, the so-called Hamiltonian Mean Field model. In the limit N→∞, and after proper scaling of the interactions, the μ-space dynamics is governed by a Vlasov equation. We apply a nonlinear stability test to...
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