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enforced-oscillation, or fluctuation of E1 and E2 states enables the enzyme to harvest energy from the applied field and …
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High electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) based on III–V semiconductor materials have been investigated as these devices are scaled down to gate lengths of 120, 90, 70, 50 and 30nm. A standard Monte Carlo (MC) method coupled with the solution of Poisson’s equation is employed to simulate a...
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Transport of an inertial Brownian motor moving in an asymmetric periodic potential driven by an external force and correlated noises is investigated. Using the numerical algorithm, the asymptotic mean velocity (AMV) for characterizing directed transport is obtained. The effects of the external...
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Brownian motors, in particular, “ratchet” models have been studied actively as models for molecular motors. In this paper, a flashing ratchet model for elastically coupled particles in an asymmetric periodic potential is introduced and studied as a model for molecular motors in muscle. In...
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We present a new class of thermal ratchets operating under the action of a symmetry breaking non-Hermitian perturbation which rectifies thermal fluctuations, and driven by an unbiased periodic force. The peculiar non-Hermitian dynamics which follows cause energy transduction from the force to...
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The motion of a heavily damped Brownian particle which has an internal degree of freedom is considered. Directed motion of the Brownian particle is generated by external action which acts only on the internal degree of freedom. For a simple case that the internal degree of freedom is rotated...
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Brownian motors subject to a travelling wave potential are discussed. The Brownian motors move in the form of solitary waves. The solitary wave of the Brownian motor is evaluated analytically. Two expressions for the efficiency of Brownian motors are distinguished, one for generating force and...
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An N-state discrete model for studying the directed motion of a molecular motor is proposed, where the distribution of the states is used to describe the asymmetry of a ratchet potential. The whole system flashes between the potential on and off, and the particle transits asymmetrically in the...
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We study a feedback control version of the flashing Brownian ratchet, in which the application of the flashing potential depends on the state of the particles to be controlled. Taking the view that the ratchet acts as a Maxwell’s demon, we study the relationship that exists between the...
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We examine a typical Michaelis–Menten Enzyme (MME) and redress it to form a transducer of free energy, and electric, acoustic, or other types of energy. This amendment and extension is necessary in lieu of recent experiments in which enzymes are shown to perform pump, motor, and locomotion...
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