Showing 91 - 100 of 21,737
We construct an index theorem for smooth infinite economies that shows that generically the number of equilibria is odd. As a corollary, this gives a new proof of existence and gives conditions that guarantee global uniqueness of equilibria.
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It is shown that two arbitrary equilibria in the general equilibrium model without sign restrictions on endowments can be joined by a continuous equilibrium path that contains at most two critical equilibria. This property is strengthened by showing that regular equilibria having an index equal...
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A stumbling block in the modelling of competitive markets with commodity and price spaces of infinite dimensions, arises from having positive cones with an empty interior. This issue precludes the use of tools of differential analysis, ranging from the definition of a derivative, to the use of...
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In a fixed total resources setting, we show that there exists a Riemannian metric g on the equilibrium manifold, which coincides with any (fixed) Riemannian metric with an economic meaning outside an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the set of critical equilibria, such that a minimal geodesic...
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A stumbling block in the modelling of competitive markets with commodity and price spaces of infinite dimensions, arises from having positive cones with an empty interior. This issue precludes the use of tools of differential analysis, ranging from the definition of a derivative, to the use of...
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We show that, in a pure exchange smooth economy, a redistribution of endowments involving singular economies can be supported by a unique and continuous path of supporting equilibrium price vectors if this redistribution is the projection of a path on the equilibrium manifold transversal to the...
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It is shown that the property that the equilibrium manifold keeps the memory of the individual demand functions holds true if every individual demand function satisfies the following three properties: 1) It is a function of commodity prices and of consumer’s income; 2) Consumption belongs to...
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In a smooth pure exchange economy with fixed total resources we investigate whether the smooth selection property holds when endowments are redistributed across consumers through a continuous (non local) redistribution policy. We show that if the policy is regular then there exists a unique...
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This paper deals with generic determinacy of equilibria for infinite dimensional consumption spaces. Our work could be seen as an infinite-dimensional analogue of Dierker and Dierker (1972), by characterising equilibria of an economy as a zero of the aggregate excess demand, and studying its...
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In a pure exchange smooth economy with fixed total resources, we de- fine the length between two regular equilibria belonging to the equilibrium manifold as the number of intersection points of the evolution path connecting them with the set of critical equilibria. We show that there exists a...
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