Showing 151 - 160 of 6,992
This paper attempts to identify the logistics impediment in trade between India and Nepal based on indepth field visits.
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This paper extends the learning-by-doing model of Alwyn Young (1991), which assumes bounded learning-by-doing in each industry and knowledge spillovers, from two perspectives. First, it introduces physical capital as another factor of production in addition to labor. Second, it takes into...
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The paper attempt to construct trade barrier indices of selected South Asia countries
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The literature reports the mean impact of trade preferences. The literature on the agoa impact is no exception. The mean impact can be sensitive to heterogeneity in the adoption of preferences by recipients. Nonetheless, the choice of countries included in the sample can play a role in...
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We add quality uncertainty to a two-country trade model with CES preference and monopolistic competition. There are two kinds of firms - low quality and high quality. Quality is perfectly observable in the domestic market but not in the foreign market. Exporters use price to signal their...
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The WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) is a plurilateral Agreement, meaning that it comprises only a subset of the full Membership of the WTO. Currently, a number of WTO Members that are not Parties to the Agreement either are actively seeking accession to it, have commitments to...
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Are market access commitments on services in Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) reciprocal or simply unilateral? If reciprocal, do concessions granted in services depend on concessions received from the trading partner in other services or in non-services areas as well? In this paper we...
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The paper investigates the role of global supply chains in explaining the trade collapse of 2008-2009 and the long-term variations observed in trade elasticity. Building on the empirical results obtained from a subset of input-output matrices and the exploratory analysis of a large and...
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Cieľom predkladaného článku je objasniť vývoj systému, objemu a štruktúry zahraničného obchodu Číny v kontexte jej meniaceho sa postavenia vo svetovom obchode. V prvej časti článku sú systém, objem a štruktúra čínskeho zahraničného obchodu analyzované od roku 1949 do...
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V predkladanom článku sa zaoberáme problematikou volatility zahraničného obchodu. Konštatujeme neexistenciu univerzálne prijímaného indikátora volatility a navrhujeme spôsob výpočtu takéhoto indikátora. Skúmame vzťah medzi podielom krajiny na svetovom obchode a relatívnou...
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