Showing 2,461 - 2,470 of 2,516
This paper evaluates concerns over the "abandonment of production" in the context of the recent CAP reform as it applies to the arable sector. The particular focus of the evaluation is on the extent to which the proposed "single farm payment" can be de-coupled from production and yet avoid the...
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In this paper an approach that can be used to determine the distribution of a productivity gain on an industry is detailed. In particular, the model developed in this paper extends earlier evaluations by emphasising the crucial role of substitution between inputs across different participants in...
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The Gene Technology Regulator's approval of Bayer CropScience's genetically modified (GM) canola variety, InVigor, and Monsanto's Roundup Ready, means that the commercial planting of Australia's first GM food crop is imminent. Under such circumstances, for Australia to continue marketing non-GM...
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American foulbrood (AFB) is considered the most significant brood disease of bees in Western Australia. The Department of Agriculture of Western Australia (DAWA) provides assistance to apiarists by way of quarantine and surveillance measures under the AFB control program. A bio-economic...
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Branding remains in a fairly nascent state within the Australian domestic beef market. Several brands have begun to emerge in recent years including Certified Angus, 1824, Hereford Prime, Stockyard Beef and Diamantina. However, these primarily cater for restaurant rather than household trade....
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The results of a three-year study of the implications of China's accession to the WTO for its agricultural sector and policy options to maximise the benefits of the trade reforms are reported. The most important message from the study is that macro-economic and other non-agriculture specific...
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Growth in the demand for organic foods has been phenomenal in the past decade both on Australia and overseas because organic production is seen to be beneficial to both human health and the environment. In general, organic products commend a price premium over conventional products. Since...
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The potential economic benefits from agricultural biotechnology adoption by ANZ need to be weighed against any likely loss of market access abroad for crops that may contain genetically modified (GM) organisms. This paper uses the global GTAP model to estimate effects of other countries' GM...
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In determining the economic impact of a possible outbreak of the quarantinable wheat disease Karnal Bunt, an examination was made of the detailed components of the costs involved. The costs were classified as: (a) Direct costs (yield and quality losses); (b) Reaction costs (export bans, quality...
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Australians are among the largest consumers of marijuana in the world, and estimates show that their expenditure on marijuana is about twice that on wine. In this paper we analyse the evolution of marijuana prices in Australia and show that they have declined in real terms by almost 40 percent...
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