Showing 51 - 60 of 31,965
Hungarian Abstract: Napjainkban életünk számos aspektusára érvényesíthető a digitalizálódás. Ez a minta a modern felsőoktatási intézmények esetében is igaz. Az is észrevehető, hogy az egyetemek vezetése kapcsán egyfajta eltolódás mutatkozik meg a proaktív stratégiai...
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English Abstract: This is the PDF version of the presentation of the Fellowship Students of the Hungarian New National Excellence Program. 3rd Central European PhD Workshop on Economic Policy and Crisis Management, Doctoral School in Economics, University of Szeged. 13th-14th April 2018, Szeged,...
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Hungarian Abstract: A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar Közgazdaságtani Doktori Iskola célja jelen kötet kiadásával, hogy a széles szakmai kör számára elérhetővé tegye a tudományos fórumon elhangzott, a szekcióvezetők által színvonalasnak értékelt, válogatott...
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The presence of developed regional transport and telecommunication infrastructures are considered as factors that can directly or indirectly contribute to regional competitiveness, especially in the age of digitalization. Through this phenomenon, we embrace a world that becomes more connected...
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Hungarian Abstract: Napjaink egyik legmeghatározóbb megatrendje kétségkívül a digitalizáció, melyre a globalizáció következő lépcsőjeként tekinthetünk. Ennek eredményeképp új üzleti modellek és technológiák alakítják markánsan a gazdaság és társadalmi lét minden...
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Nowadays digitalization is one of the key global drivers of change. It acts as a catalyst for transition in all aspects of our lives. With this transition occurring at present, the traditional models of our society and economy are being challenged on a daily basis. Solutions provided by...
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Territorial attractiveness has been through centuries a powerful incentive to mankind for progress, innovation and development, for setting up new targets and horizons as well as ever more complex networks and connections. Because of the attractiveness of known and unknown territories, new ways...
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This paper reports the results of an original empirical study of the relationship between intellectual property and the financial performance of technology firms in the bioscience-technology industries. The study found a statistically significant positive relationship between the firms'...
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Business organizations often need to manage creative work. An important way of promoting creative work is to use idea generation techniques (IGTs). Numerous IGTs have been developed, and choosing from such a big pool of candidates can be demanding, which is further complicated by the elusiveness...
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This article examines how leader firms should respond to the erosion of competitive advantages caused by rapid imitation and innovation in hypercompetitive environments. On the one hand, shorter-lived advantages induce leaders to develop new advantages faster. On the other hand, hypercompetition...
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