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Using a structural time series approach we measure different sorts of inflation persistence allowing for an unobserved time-varying inflation target. Unobserved components are identified using Kalman filtering and smoothing techniques. Posterior densities of the model parameters and the...
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This paper uses an unobserved component model to examine the relative importance of the structural and the persistence approach to unemployment. We derive the NAIRU from a standard imperfect competition model. The price- and wage-setting schedules include a measure for unemployment persistence....
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Time series estimates of inflation persistence incur an upward bias if shifts in the inflation target of the central bank remain unaccounted for. Using a structural time series approach we measure different sorts of inflation persistence allowing for an unobserved timevarying inflation target....
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In his paper "To Criticize the Critics" (1991), Peter Phillips discusses Bayesian methodology for time series models. The main point that Uhlig and I set out to make, however, was that careful consideration of the implications of the likelihood principle suggests that much of the recent work...
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The features under the two-sided Convertibility Zone of the Hong Kong dollar resemble in many ways the target zone exchange rate regime in the literature. Following Tronzano et al. (2000), this paper utilises a Bayesian extension of the Svensson (1991) test, which takes into account the exchange...
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We investigate the persistence of real exchange rates using Bayesian methods. First, an algorithm for Bayesian estimation of nonlinear threshold models is developed. Unlike standard grid-based estimation, the Bayesian approach fully captures joint parameter uncertainty and uncertainty about...
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In the study we introduce an extension to a stochastic volatility in mean model (SV-M), allowing for discrete regime switches in the risk premium parameter. The logic behind the idea is that neglecting a possibly regimechanging nature of the relation between the current volatility (conditional...
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The study aims at a statistical verification of breaks in the risk-return relationship for shares of individual companies quoted at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. To this end a stochastic volatility model incorporating Markov switching in-mean effect (SV-MS-M) is employed. We argue that neglecting...
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We propose a new approach to deal with structural breaks in time series models. The key contribution is an alternative dynamic stochastic specification for the model parameters which describes potential breaks. After a break new parameter values are generated from a so-called baseline prior...
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Two Bayesian sampling schemes are outlined to estimate a K-state Markov switching model with time-varying transition probabilities. The multinomial logit model for the transition probabilities is alternatively expressed as a random utility model and as a difference random utility model. The...
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