Showing 11 - 20 of 220
La crisi europea origina anche da una crescita delle disuguaglianze e dalle deregolamentazioni nei mercati finanziari, dei beni e del lavoro, che invece di curare il malato ne aggravano la malattia. "Austerità espansiva" e "riforme strutturali" sono i due pilastri di un Europa che ha perso la...
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The current debate on European economic policy is quite original and with uncertain outcomes. The economic crisis started in 2008 feeds a political and academic debate not so deeply developed since the great crisis of the ‘30s. More Euro or less Euro? More market or less market? More State...
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In April this year the European Parliament in Strasbourg said "no" to the multi-annual budget which Governments of the European Union member Countries had agreed upon in February 2013. The changes may be minimal, but a strong message was sent to governments by the only institution in Europe...
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Five actions for growth and employment, in a context of policy against "expansionary austerity". Economic crisis in Italy cannot wait for political uncertainty. We need urgently some interventions to tackle with the need to contrast the double-dip in real economy, and support growth and...
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In this paper we discuss and arise several critics to the National Agreement signed on the 21st November 2012 by trade unions (except the larger Italian trade unions CGIL) and employers associations on productivity and competitiveness, called "Linee programmatiche per la crescita della...
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A Social pact among Producers is a chimera. Invoked by many to stop the decline of the Italian economy during the last two decades, it finds the main saboteurs in the national politics and in the promoters of the «expansionary austerity» in Europe. Economists put forward various proposals,...
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We discuss the main content of the first national labour contract signed by trade unions and employers associations after the national agreement on productivity signed in Italy in November 2012. It is clear the effect of that agreement: trade unions, with the exception of the largest...
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The no-reform of the Italian labour market. Many different and passionate comments have been published in the past weeks about the Italian labour market reform. The topic is for sure very relevant from the economic and political perspective, and it is also a sort of “litmus paper†of...
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La Legge di Stabilita' 2014-2016 elaborata dal governo italiano e' volta al rispetto dei vincoli previsti dai Trattati europei, e non alla crescita del reddito e dell'occupazione. Cio' nonostante, la Commissione Europea non ha ritenuto di dare "semaforo verde", in quanto il rientro dal debito...
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Wages, productivity, and the "rule of lead" of the ECB The ECB suggests that hourly nominal wages should increase in line with real hourly labour productivity, and not exceed it. The "vicious" countries which do not follow this rule loose progressively competitiveness. This is the "rule of lead"...
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