Showing 31 - 40 of 134
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This article presents an approach to the institutions and regulations derived from the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. It is analyzed the performance of emission reductions markets during its three years of operations, mainly the instability of prices in European markets and their relationships...
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The search for the main determinants of economic growth of nations as well as the present lack of an explanatory model for macroeconomic phenomena necessarily lead us to the need of a synthesis or explanatory theory. In this sense, the main theoretical findings base on the basic neoclassical...
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In Colombia, in spite of the changes carried out with the reform of 1994, in the sector of drinking water the structural problems persist in many municipalities. They are associated to the quality, efficiency, continuity, coverage, and availability of the resource ; besides, the goals of...
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: El conflicto armado colombiano lo podemos racionalizar o formalizar en términos de las ganancias económicas que de allí se esperan o se dejan de obtener y la polarización política que lo originó. Tanto el establecimiento político (la deslegitimación actual de los poderes públicos y...
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General equilibrium models focus on the analysis of the difference between the allocation of efficiency and market equilibrium in the presence of environmental externalities affecting different sectors, as well as on the effectiveness of policy instruments. These approaches agree on economic...
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: la distribución más o menos proporcional de espectro electromagnético entre los operadores existentes contrasta con el “Claro” dominio que ejerce la empresa líder del mercado; para intentar regular esta posición, podría condicionarse la entrada de Claro en la subasta de la red 4G, o...
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: el progreso de Medellín en aspectos como infraestructura pública contrasta con el caos que experimenta su sistema de transporte; el parque automotor crece de manera desmedida y, ni la restricción horaria (pico y placa) ni la oferta de transporte público logran equilibrar el sistema, por lo...
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tal como se muestra en el semanario inglés The Economist con la propuesta de construcción de un índice de incertidumbre, se hace palpable el efecto negativo que tienen sobre las expectativas de los inversionistas, y por ende sobre el crecimiento económico, aspectos como la corrupción, las...
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In this paper we are interested in investigating the effects of the threepart tariffs system on consumers’ behavior in the local fixed telephone service provided by the incumbent Telecommunications Company une in Medellín, which was authorized by the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission...
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