Showing 51 - 60 of 8,487
We analyze support for EU membership as expressed in voting patterns in the candidate countries’ referenda on EU membership, using regional referendum results and individual survey data on voting intentions. We find that favorable individual and regional characteristics are positively...
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This paper utilizes a unique dataset on votes cast by Czech and Polish migrants in recent national elections in their home countries. The political preferences of migrants as manifested by their voting behavior are strikingly different from those of their home-country counterparts. In addition,...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die deutschen „Hartz-Reformen“ sowie die Ende 2010 vorgestellten neuen Regelsätze wirtschaftsethisch legitim sind. Orientierung bietet dabei das Modell der integrativen Wirtschaftsethik von Peter Ulrich. Darauf basierend wird außerdem...
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In this paper, we revisit the association between happiness and inequality. We argue that the perceived fairness of the income generation process affects this association. Building on a two-period model of individual life-time utility maximization, we predict that persons with higher perceived...
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This paper analyzes the impact of job insecurity perceptions on individual well-being. While previous studies on the subject have used the concept of perceived job insecurity rather arbitrarily, the present analysis explicitly takes into account individual perceptions about both the likelihood...
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht, ob Vornamen den Erfolg von Marktteilnehmern beeinflussen. Dazu wurden für 12 fiktive Testpersonen Kleinanzeigen auf dem Beziehungs-, Nachhilfe- und Wohnungsmarkt geschaltet und es wurde die Anzahl der kontaktierenden Personen erfasst. Ceteris paribus attrahierten...
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Nanotechnologies are expected to be the dominant general purpose technology of the next decades. Their market potential is immense and especially demand side arguments will have far reaching consequences for innovations. They may occur as increased miniaturization or via building completely new...
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This article aims to summarize the existing body of literature on social interactions and their effect on individual unemployment status. Two directions of the ongoing research are analyzed: the impact of social norms on unemployment and the importance of social networks in the job search...
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This article outlines a model of how social interactions among persons belonging to the same region might influence the individual unemployment duration. The impact is assumed to be enhanced through social work norms shared by peers within the group. Building on a range of German data sets and...
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This paper analyzes data from a novel field experiment designed to test the impact of two different insurance products and a secret saving device on solidarity in risk-sharing groups among rural villagers in the Philippines. Risk is simulated by a lottery, risk-sharing is possible in solidarity...
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