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Applying and extending the open-economy loanable funds model, this article shows that more government borrowing or debt as a percent of GDP leads to a higher government bond yield, that a higher real money market rate, a higher expected inflation rate, a higher EU government bond yield, or...
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Extending the open-economy loanable funds model, this paper finds that more government deficit as a percentage of GDP does not lead to a higher government bond yield. In addition, a higher real Treasury bill rate, a higher expected inflation rate, a higher EU government bond yield, or an...
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Do capital markets impose fiscal discipline on governments? We investigate the responses of fiscal variables to a change in the interest rate paid by governments on their debt in a panel of 14 European countries over four decades. This is done in the context of a panel vector autoregressive...
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We empirically investigate whether the relationship between interest rates and public deficits/debt may be nonlinear for the U.S. Using threshold estimation, we find evidence of level-dependent effects on interest rates, implying a significant effect of projected deficits and debt in the U.S....
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This paper examines the behavior of the long-term interest rate in Poland based on a sample during 2001.Q1–2009.Q1. Both the demand for and supply of loanable funds are considered. Extending the openeconomy loanable funds model, this paper finds thatmore government debt as a percent of gdp...
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We empirically investigate whether the relationship between interest rates and public deficits/debt may be nonlinear for the U.S. Using threshold estimation, we find evidence of level-dependent effects on interest rates, implying a significant effect of projected deficits and debt in the U.S....
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Der Artikel analysiert die zeitliche Entwicklung des Berliner Wohnimmobilienmarktes (2009–2014) mit Blick auf die Frage, ob es zu einer potenziellen Überhitzung gekommen ist. Dabei wird der empirische Wirkungszusammenhang zwischen der andauernden Niedrigzinspolitik der Europäischen...
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