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Food production and food processing, nowadays, are economic activities in which local and global strategies are interconnected. Moreover the importance of the food industry in total manufacturing is growing; local production systems are competing on the global market by producing specific...
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The CAP reform and the recent EC communication aimed at preparing its Health Check emphasise the need for interventions locally based where agricultural policy integrates with a broader policy for rural areas growth. In this context, the paper investigates the possible different sets policy...
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A tagállamok cselekvési tervét és a felállított struktúrákat áttekintve megállapítható, hogy főleg azok az államok tudtak eredményes intézményrendszert kialakítani 2008 óta, akiknek önkéntesen hálózatba szerveződő csoportjai már korábban is működtek. Számos...
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The payments within the Rural Development Programme 2007- 2013 seek to improve the environment and contribute to rural development and economic growth. These policy measures may therefore have visual effects on the rural landscape. To achieve a measure of willingness to pay for these effects, a...
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The paper examined whether increasing agricultural output would lead to an expansion of employment in rural areas in the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The paper found that the agricultural development problems in the Caribbean and SSA are very similar, especially, declining export...
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Tanulmányunkban röviden bemutatjuk az Észak-Borsodi LEADER térséget, majd a LEADER vidékfejlesztési programot a térségben megvalósult projektek segítségével. A kistérség 4 mikrotérségből áll, Sajó-, Nádasd- és Hangony-völgye és a Bükki Hegyhát, mely összesen 30...
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A new dimension of the study of the social economic processes is getting more and more into the highlight, namely their regional effect. All the eras of the development history are generally featured by the unequal regional development. In Hungary and in Romania as well the regional differences...
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During the farm crisis of the 1980s we began to better understand the inherent faults of an industrialized food system. Despite large gains in productivity, efficiency, and economies of size, thousands of farms were in foreclosure. Many farmers were overly extended in debt. Others were in...
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