Showing 31 - 40 of 19,385
Agricultural and forestry GHG emissions are a key feature of New Zealand’s emissions profile, and New Zealand is the only country, to date, to have indicated that agricultural and forestry emissions will be covered under their domestic climate policy – the New Zealand Emissions Trading...
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This is an updated version posted 12/12/12. In the previous version attribute labels in Table 5 were incorrect for tribs and jobs.
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Adjustment of small, medium, and large Vermont dairy farms to successively tighter constraints on phosphorus loss was modeled using linear programming. Aggregate response to phosphorus control was estimated for an area from farm marginal costs. Medium and large farms have lower costs than small...
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The design of competitive tenders to purchase environmental services requires judgements to be made about the funding scale and tender scope, with the latter incorporating considerations of geographic area, industries involved and the types of environmental outputs required. Increasing the scale...
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This paper outlines the traditional uses of input-output (I/O) modeling in watershed programs planned under federal "Principles and Guidelines." Generally, the national economic development costs and benefits are analyzed, and the I/O model is used to track on regional economic development...
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A mixed-integer linear programming model was formulated to minimize the cost of transport and processing of excess manure in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The results showed that primarily poultry manure was moved out of surplus counties for land application or processing. In the base model,...
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Optimal recycling of minerals can be thought of as an integral part of the theory of the mine. In this paper, we consider the role that wastewater recycling plays in the optimal extraction of groundwater, a renewable resource. We develop a two-sector dynamic optimization model to solve for the...
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The spatial distribution of agro-environmental policy benefits has important implications for the efficient allocation of management effort. The practical convenience of relying on sample mean values of individual benefits for aggregation can come at the cost of biased aggregate estimates. The...
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