Showing 121 - 130 of 45,512
overall efficiency of the international citrus marketing channel. However, the former government export monopoly’s activities … results suggest that liberalization improved the efficiency of the Israeli citrus international marketing channel, but that …
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This study explores effects of Philippines' coconut policies on the performance in the international market. Analysis of the coconut sector found that the Philippine government successfully changed the structure of the coconut industry during the 1970's using a fund collected as coconut levies....
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last few years domestic wheat crops faced many production and marketing problems, such as increasing demand and fluctuating …
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and marketing trends, and assessing the influence of individual factors is difficult. However, using production and trade … have introduced new marketing structures likely to continue driving future trade and production patterns. The information … brief description of historic trends in food marketing and globalization that are likely to continue influencing the …
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The study explores a long memory conditional volatility model on international grain markets, demonstrating importance of modeling both temporal effects of volatility and long memory process. This study adopts six different volatility models, nested in an ARMA(p,q)- FIGARCH(P,D,Q), to capture...
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Following a series of bilateral and multilateral agreements, the past two decades have seen increased trade and investment liberalization between Canada and the United States in the agri-food sector. Changes in trade policy are one of several paths by which farm structure can change. This...
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A tanulmány bemutatja a hazai gabona keresletében bekövetkezett vertikális és horizontális átrendeződést és annak hatásait. A kérdőíves megkeresés és a mélyinterjúkból született válaszokat felhasználva, klaszteranalízis segítségével lehetővé vált a felvásárlói...
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Az elemzés, a cukorreform hátterének vázlatos bemutatását követően, a kvótacsökkentés lebonyolításának hatékonysági összefüggéseire irányul. Az európai cukorágazat reformjának egyik fő mozgatórugója a hatékonyság, melyet a merev nemzeti kvótákra épülő...
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Az Európai Unió a világ legnagyobb bortermelője, fogyasztója, exportőre. Ez az ágazat olyan különleges terméket tesz a fogyasztó asztalára, melynek előállítását sokan nem csupán mesterségnek, de művészetnek is tekintenek. Szorosan hozzátartozik Európa hagyományaihoz,...
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The development of genetically modified (GM) agricultural products requires new policies to manage potential food safety and environmental risks. The policy positions taken to date on GM foods by the United States and the European Union are very different. The US has few restrictions on...
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