Showing 1 - 10 of 59
(English) The Italian population is ageing at a considerable pace and will continue so even more intensively in the next decades, when the more crowded generations of the baby boom of the sixties of the last century will be entering old age. The impact of this growing number of elderly is an...
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(English) Using data from the Italian Time-Use survey carried out by ISTAT in 2008-2009, the paper analyses the time spent on housework by men and women. The study focuses on a sub-sample of couples, married and in a non-marital unions, with employed women aged 20-49 years. The paper presents...
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In this work we were interested in investigating the predictive accuracy of one of the most popular learning schemes for the combination of supervised classification methods: the Stacking Technique proposed by Wolpert (1992) and consolidated by Ting and Witten, (1999) and Seewald (2002). In...
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Questo lavoro intende mettere in luce sia l’evoluzione subita dal pensiero economico negli ultimi decenni sia gli orientamenti concreti dell’azione pubblica, con il proposito di coglierne i nessi reciproci. L’indagine si sofferma in particolare sulle ragioni che portarono ad una pronta...
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I processi di degrado dei suoli sono ascrivibili a diverse cause. Il presente lavoro mira ad evidenziare la tipologia che viene definita in letteratura dei fattori socio-economici. Ricostruendo la storia territoriale della Basilicata, a partire dagli anni cinquanta, con particolare attenzione...
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L’ambiente per sua natura è un bene pubblico e la sua tutela richiede, quindi, qualche tipo d’intervento. L’uso delle risorse naturali per attività economiche, anziché a fini di protezione ambientale, ad esempio, può essere regolato a livello di comunità locale per evitare un...
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The paper sketches some features of Caffè’s contribution to the construction, diffusion and applications of economic policy as a discipline, in addition to his personal traits and his qualities as a teacher. Not only was he one of the main proponents in Italy of the study of welfare economics...
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In this paper we construct a general theory of forward guidance in economic policy making, in order to provide a framework to explain the role and strategic advantages of including forward guidance as an explicit part of policy design. We do this by setting up a general policy problem in which...
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While there is widespread consensus that social capital contributes significantly to development outcomes - growth, equity and poverty alleviation - and that it represents a significant determinant of household well-being, the same cannot be said of its measurement criteria. Different strategies...
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The creation of a Free Trade Area is the main pillar on which regionalization in the Mediterranean has been pursued since the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership in 1995. The aim of this paper is to reflect upon the relation between commercial integration and region-building in...
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