Showing 171 - 180 of 651
[TR] Dunya Ticaret Orgutu (DTO) kapsaminda gerceklestirilen cok tarafli ticaret muzakerelerinin sonuclandirilamamasinin bir yansimasi olarak bircok ulkenin serbest ticaret anlasmalarina (STA) yoneldigi gorulmektedir. Bu gelismeler paralelinde, AB ve ABD aralarinda ticaret ve yatirim ortakligi...
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[TR] Bu calisma Turkiye'nin son on yildaki GSYH buyumesini "kapsayicilik" acisindan incelemektedir. Bunu yaparken Anand vd. (2013)’un gelistirmis oldugu, buyumenin kisi basina dusen milli gelir ve dengeli dagilim bilesenlerini bir arada incelemeye olanak taniyan yeni bir olcum metodu...
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[TR] Bu calisma, 2008 yilinda uygulamaya konan istihdam tesvik programinin hedef demografik gruplarin istihdam olasiliklari uzerinde etkili olup olmadigini Hanehalki Isgucu Anketi’nin 2004- 2011 donemini kapsayan mikro verilerini kullanarak analiz etmektedir. Programin, 18-29 yas grubundaki...
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[TR] Bu notta, faktor analizi kullanilarak, Turkiye’de kisa ve orta vadeli enflasyona iliskin anket ve piyasa bazli cesitli beklenti olcutlerinin ortak hareketini yakalayan kompozit beklenti gostergeleri elde edilmeye calisilmistir. Ortaya cikan gostergeler anketlerle belirli kesimlerin...
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[TR] Bu notta Turkiye’de mal ihracatini belirleyen temel unsurlarin, ihracat pazarlari arasinda ne olcude farklilastigi arastirilmistir. Bu amacla, 2003-2013 donemini kapsayan VAR analizi kullanilarak ihracat talep fonksiyonundaki esneklik katsayilari hesaplanmistir. Ihracatin gelir esnekligi...
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[EN] In this note, we focus on the significance of the effect of bridge-days, which are defined as extra day-offs between two successive official holidays or between a holiday and a weekend, on the seasonal adjustment process by taking industrial production (IP) as our laboratory. To this end, a...
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Since the end of 2010, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey has adopted a new policy strategy which jointly uses liquidity, credit, and interest rate policies. The new framework has increased the need to develop and monitor a broad measure of “financial conditions” index that would...
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The Turkish government started an employment subsidy program in 2008 to generate new employment for younger men and all women, which are the relatively disadvantaged groups in the Turkish labor market. In this paper, we use a nationally representative micro-level dataset and a...
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This paper examines the roles of bank capital regulation and monetary policy in mitigating procyclicality and promoting macroeconomic and financial stability. The analysis is based on a dynamic stochastic model with imperfect credit markets. Macroeconomic stability is defined in terms of a...
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The empirical analysis confirms that household expectations have a direct role on their consumption and saving behaviour in addition to their indirect influence through the income channel. The econometric results show that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between...
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