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In clinical studies, covariates are often measured with error due to biological fluctuations, device error and other sources. Summary statistics and regression models that are based on mis-measured data will differ from the corresponding analysis based on the “true” covariate. Statistical...
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There is great interest in finding human genes expressed through pharmaceutical intervention, thus opening a genomic window into benefit and side-effect profiles of a drug. Human insight gained from FDA-required animal experiments has historically been limited, but in the case of gene expression...
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Parametric estimation is complicated when data are measured with error. The problem of regression modeling when one or more covariates are measured with error is considered in this paper. It is often the case that, evaluated at the observed error-prone data, the unbiased true-data estimating...
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We present methods for diagnosing the effects of model misspecification of the true-predictor distribution in structural measurement error models. We first formulate latent-model robustness theoretically. Then we provide practical techniques for examining the adequacy of an assumed latent...
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Considerable recent interest has focused on doubly robust estimators for a population mean response in the presence of incomplete data, which involve models for both the propensity score and the regression of outcome on covariates. The usual doubly robust estimator may yield severely biased...
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Lin and Zhang (J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 61 (1999) 381) proposed the generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) as a framework for analysis of correlated data, where normally distributed random effects are used to account for correlation in the data, and proposed to use double penalized...
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