Showing 521 - 530 of 610
RFreak is an R package providing a framework for evolutionary computation. By enwrapping the functionality of an evolutionary algorithm kit written in Java, it offers an easy way to do evolutionary computation in R. In addition, application examples where an evolutionary approach is promising in...
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This paper analyses the complexity of rule selection for supervised learning in distributed scenarios. The selection of rules is usually guided by a utility measure such as predictive accuracy or weighted relative accuracy. Other examples are support and confidence, known from association rule...
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Toxicologists have been increasingly using a class of models to describe a continuous response in the last few years. This class consists of nested nonlinear models and is used for estimating various parameters in the models or some meaningful function of the model parameters. Our work here is...
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The Monod model is a classical microbiological model much used in microbiology, for example to evaluate biodegradation processes. The model describes microbial growth kinetics in batch culture experiments using three parameters: the maximal specific growth rate, the saturation constant and the...
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We analyze multivariate binary time series using a mixed parameterization in terms of the conditional expectations given the past and the pairwise canonical interactions among contemporaneous variables. This allows consistent inference on the influence of past variables even if the...
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Due to their status as "the" benchmark yield for the world's largest government bond market and its importance for US monetary policy, the interest in a "good" forecast of the constant maturity yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury bond ("T-bond yields") is immense. This paper assesses three...
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A drawback of robust statistical techniques is the increased computational effort often needed compared to non robust methods. Robust estimators possessing the exact fit property, for example, are NP-hard to compute. This means thatunder the widely believed assumption that the computational...
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Im Rahmen des Projektes ?Zeitreihenanalytische Methoden zur Behandlung von Online-Monitoring-Daten aus der Intensivmedizin? im Sonderforschungsbereich 475 wird eine klinische Studie zur Evaluierung und zum Vergleich von Alarm-Algorithmen für die Patientenüberwachung auf Intensivstationen...
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In the common Fourier regression model we determine the optimal designs for estimating the coefficients corresponding to the lower frequencies. An analytical solution is provided which is found by an alternative characterization of c-optimal designs. Several examples are provided and the...
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One serious problem in deep-hole drilling is the formation of a dynamic disturbance called spiralling which causes holes with several lobes. Since such lobes are a severe impairment of the bore hole quality the formation of spiralling has to be prevented. Gessesse et al. [2] explain spiralling...
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