Showing 701 - 710 of 765
From standard-portfolio-models the authors derive demand elasticities for risky assets, and combine the results with a simple non-cooperative model of tax competition between capital importing countries. They find that tax rates resulting from tax competition depend heavily on the correlations...
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The partnership between the EU and the ACP countries (that include 38 of the world?s 49 least developed countries) has a long standing history and was renewed in 2000 with the Cotonou Agreement. Furthermore, the European Commission has become the world?s fifth largest donor of development aid -...
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Only three years after its initial endorsement by the World Bank and the IMF in 1996, the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) - Initiative was considerably altered and enhanced. How did this change come about? Neither developments in economic theory, nor empirical evidence of changed...
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Japan's markets for money, capital and foreign exchange are among the biggest worldwide. For many years, Tokyo's role as the leading financial center in Asia has been unchallenged. However, recently, other places in the region such as Singapore and Hong Kong have invested heavily to strengthen...
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The paper proposes a technique to jointly tests for groupings of unknown size in the cross sectional dimension of a panel and estimates the parameters of each group, and applies it to identifying convergence clubs in income per-capita. The approach uses the predictive density of the data,...
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Frankreich befand sich lange Zeit in einem klimapolitischen ?Teufelskreis, in dem sich mangelnde Information und mangelndes Interesse gegenseitig verschärften? (Brodhag 1997). Dazu trug die enge Verquickung zwischen Bürokratie und wirtschaftlichen Interessengruppen sowie die zentralistische...
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This article examines the location choices of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) between OECD members´ firms in the 1990`s. In addition to traditional determinants of FDI, we estimate the impact of specific factors affecting the M&A location pattern. Two distinct econometric methods...
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In recent years, there has been a slow but steady change in ownership structures and corporate governance in Japan. As a result of economic stagnation, relations between companies characterised by cross-shareholdings and the main-bank system have become less rigid and institutional investors...
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The question of the state and the evolution of protectionism often gets a simplified answer: The main view is that the GATT Rounds have been achieving a continuous reduction. This view is partly revised based on four propositions: (1) Protectionism is an integral part of the international...
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So far, the dominant paradigm in international climate policy has been mitigation while adaptation has been a low-key issue. However, with LDCs starting to push for adaptation side payments it has recently gained importance. The allocation of funds and the definition of adaptation activities are...
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