Showing 71 - 80 of 419
This paper charts the main changes in structure of the Irish system of tax and social benefits over the period 1955-2002. It analyses the evolution of the redistributive forces in the system over the period and considers the effect of the incremental reform on the complexity of policy and...
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This paper reports on the socio-economic outcome of a study of innovative, integrated, agricultural management practices in a catchment near Kelang village in Yunnan Province in south-west China. The focus of these practices, which included biological and engineering measures, was enhanced...
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Using a long series of UK inflation data, I have provided strong evidence in favour of the hypothesis that inflationary periods are associated with high inflation uncertainty. This result supports the Friedman-Ball hypothesis and has important implications for the inflation-output relationship...
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We measure the distributions of replacement rates in four European countries and consider the forces both economic and demographic that drive these measures. Going beyond simple calculated replacement rates for ?typical
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In this paper we adapt the CAPRI model to facilitate an analysis of CAP reform on agriculture in Ireland’s NUTS 3 regions. We make assumptions about how the Luxembourg Agreement will be implemented in the Member States and contrast the effects of this policy with that of the current policy...
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The relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty is investigated in six European Union countries for the period 1960 to 1999. EGARCH models are used to generate a measure of inflation uncertainty and then Granger methods are employed to test for causality between average inflation...
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The paper applies a technique developed in artificial intelligence to frame and analyze on the foundational level A. Sen's critique of internal consistency conditions in various choice situations.
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Michio Morishima's nonlinear model of the trade cycle (Morishima, 1958) is simplified and generalized to show, by means of the Andronov-Hopf bifurcation theorem, the existence of a periodic orbit. In addition, an attempt is made to place Morishima's contribution in the broader tradition of the...
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In this paper I try to substantiate the thesis that Jevons may have been too harsh on the vices of induction and generously optimistic about the virtues of deduction, as discussed, primarily, in his magnum opus, The Principles of Science [6]. With this aim in mind the paper attempts to suggest...
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This paper examines factors behind poverty in Kelang and Haizi, rural villages in Yunnan province in the South West China. Determinants of household income per capita, off-farm employment choice and off-farm income levels were investigated using seemingly unrelated regression, probit model and...
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