Showing 1 - 10 of 776
Large-scale complex surveys typically contain a large number of variables measured on an even larger number of respondents. Missing data is a common problem in such surveys. Since usually most of the variables in a survey are categorical, multiple imputation requires robust methods for modelling...
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Zum Vergleich ausgewählter Missing Data Techniken nutzt dieses Papier eine Befragung, in der u. a. die Zustimmung zum Record Linkage der Befragungs- mit administrativen Prozessdaten abgefragt wurde. Bei nicht zustimmenden Befragten, werden ihre gegebenen Antworten auf 'fehlend' gesetzt, um so...
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Abstract Data mining and machine learning techniques such as classification and regression trees (CART) represent a promising alternative to conventional logistic regression for propensity score estimation. Whereas incomplete data preclude the fitting of a logistic regression on all subjects,...
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In the first part of the dissertation, we derive two methods for responders analysis in longitudinal data with random missing data. Often a binary variable is generated by dichotomizing an underlying continuous variable measured at a specific point in time according to a prespecified threshold...
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In much of applied statistics variables of interest are measured with error. In particular, regression with covariates that are subject to measurement error requires adjustment to avoid biased estimates and invalid inference. We consider two aspects of this problem. Detection Limits (DL) arise...
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Monitoring soil quality provides indispensable inputs for effective policy advice, but very few poorer countries can implement high-quality surveys on soil. We offer an alternative, low-cost imputation-based approach to generating various soil quality indicators. The estimation results validate...
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Monitoring soil quality provides indispensable inputs for effective policy advice, but very few poorer countries can implement high-quality surveys on soil. We offer an alternative, low-cost imputation-based approach to generating various soil quality indicators. The estimation results validate...
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Outcomes in economic evaluations, such as health utilities and costs, are products of multiple variables, often requiring complete item responses to questionnaires. Therefore, missing data are very common in cost-effectiveness analyses. Multiple imputations (MI) are predominately recommended and...
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The results of a national fear of crime survey are compared with results following the use of different nonresponse correction procedures. We compared naive estimates, weighted estimates, estimates after a thorough nonresponse follow-up and estimates after multiple imputation. A strong...
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