Showing 101 - 110 of 22,215
The supply of venture capital to SMEs in England varies dramatically from one region to the other. This study, however, shows that the distribution of capital around the country would be considerably more uneven were it not for the activities of publicly-backed funds. Most are almost unique...
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This study empirically evaluates the price impact of agency risk in firm valuation. Using aunique data set comprised of internal valuation documents, we find that venture capitalistsuse risk discounts to cope with expected agency risks...
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Biotechnology is considered as one of the key high-technology sectors in the future. It has been increasingly accepted that small, innovative businesses were the major stimulus for the development of this emerging industry. Many studies on new entrepreneurial entrants in biotechnology are mainly...
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In jüngerer Zeit sind im professionellen Portfoliomanagement zunehmend Faktorenmodelle in den Vordergrund bei der Investment-Analyse gerückt und haben klassische Modelle wie das CAPM mehr und mehr verdrängt. Charakte-ristisch für diese Modelle ist, daß lediglich ein...
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A lot of studies show that business angels have got increased importance for the finance of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in the English speaking world. But business angels usually offer more than only a financial service in the narrow sense. Business angels can contribute added...
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Der Stellenwert von Risikokapital (Venture Capital) zur Finanzierung des Wachstums junger Unternehmen hat in den letzten Jahren enorm zugenommen. Triebfeder dieser Entwicklung waren die zahlreichen Unternehmensgründungen auf Basis elektronischer Geschäftskonzepte im Internet (E-Business)...
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Wagniskapitalfinanzierungen sind ein wichtiges Konstrukt im Gefüge einer Volkswirt-schaft. Sie stellen den Teil der Frühphasenfinanzierung des Sektors der Eigenkapitalbetei-ligungen dar. Geplante Unternehmensneugründungen sind gerade bei kapitalintensiven Tä-tigkeiten verstärkt auf...
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This paper analyzes the relationship between management support offered by venture capitalfirms and the performance of entrepreneurial start-ups. An empirical investigation of a sampleof 129 German start-up companies leads to interesting results: Contrary to commonly statedbeliefs management...
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We analyse a model of two-sided matching and incentive contracts where expertinvestors (venture capitalists) with different monitoring capacities are matched withfirms with different levels of initial wealth. Firms do not have sufficient start-upcapital to cover their project costs and hence,...
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The ongoing debate concerning credit concentration risk is mainly driven by the requirementson credit risk management due to Pillar 2 of Basel II since risks (e.g. concentration risk) that arenot fully captured by Pillar 1 should be adequately considered in the banks’ risk management....
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