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We study rationalizable solutions in a linear asymmetric Cournot oligopoly. We show that symmetry across firms favors multiplicity of rationalizable solutions: A merger (implying a greater asymmetry across firms) makes out-of-equilibrium behavior less likely and should dampen &lquo;coordination&rquo;...
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stability criterion as it relies on no assumption of prior knowledge of others’ expectations. This review presents various (in)stability … outcome is determined by expectations and characterize stability by contracting properties of this map. The main insight … suggested by these results is due to <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B32">Guesnerie (2002): Stability is obtained when the actual …
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This note characterizes the set A¡∞ of actions of player ¡ that are uniquely rationalizable for some hierarchy of beliefs on an arbitrary space of uncertainty. It is proved that for any rationalizable action a¡ for the type t¡, if a¡ belongs to A¡∞ and is justified by conjectures...
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We consider second-price common-value auctions with an increasing number of bidders. We define a strategy of bidder i to be (ex-post, weakly) asymptotically dominated if there is another strategy for i that does, in the limit, as well against any sequence of strategies of iʼs opponents, and...
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In this paper we analyze R&D collaboration networks in industries where firms are competitors in the product market. Firms' benefits from collaborations arise by sharing knowledge about a cost-reducing technology. By forming collaborations, however, firms also change their own competitive...
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This paper investigates the relationship between uniqueness of Nash equilibria and local stability with respect to the …, local stability and uniqueness are the same formal properties of the game. With equilibrium substitutes, local stability is … equilibria of symmetric games more stable. Finally, the relationship between the stability of the Nash best-response dynamics is …
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formation games. We propose a stability concept for a coalition structure, called sequentially stability, when only bilateral … sequential stability of the grand coalition structure as well as sufficient conditions for which the efficient grand coalition …
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