Showing 51 - 60 of 4,580
In a non-renewable resource market with imperfect competition, both the resource rent and current prices influence a large resource owner’s optimal supply. New information regarding future market conditions that affect the resource rent will consequently impact current supply. Bleaker demand...
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This paper investigates China's capability to exert power on Rare Earth markets until 2020. A dynamic partial equilibrium model allowing for a disaggregated representation of the mining sector and endogenous investment in capacities is developed. The model is calibrated on a novel dataset on...
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What drives the long-term demand for mineral commodities? This paper provides empirical evidence on the long-run demand for mineral commodities since 1840. I extend the partial adjustment model to account for country-specific structures and technological change. I find that a one percent...
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Kolstad's (1994) model of intertemporal, competitive supply to a linear market from two distinct exhaustible resource deposits admits two different interior solutions - one with the low cost deposit 'earning' the higher resource rent and the other with the low cost deposit 'earning' the lower...
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We investigate the extent to which complementarities between technical and business skills of founders and employees matter for the generation of market novelties by new ventures. Using data about German start-ups, we find that there are no complementarities between technical and business skills...
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The effects of climate policies are often studied under the assumption of perfectly competitive markets for fossil fuels. In this paper, we allow for monopolistic fossil fuel supply. We show that, if fossil and renewable energy sources are perfect substitutes, a phase will exist during which the...
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The effects of climate policies are often studied under the assumption of perfectly competitive markets for fossil fuels. In this paper, we allow for monopolistic fossil fuel supply. We show that, if fossil and renewable energy sources are perfect substitutes, a phase will exist during which the...
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Die Innovationsfähigkeit der hoch entwickelten Industrieländer ist ihre wichtigste Quelle für Wohlstand und Wachstum. Das DIW Berlin hat in diesem Jahr zum dritten Mal im Auftrag der Deutschen Telekom Stiftung und des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) einen Gesamtindikator für...
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Zur Beurteilung der Innovationsfähigkeit eines Landes ist nicht nur seine aktuelle Position im internationalen Vergleich interessant, sondern auch die Entwicklung über längere Zeiträume hinweg. Um die mittelfristige Dynamik des deutschen Innovationssystems im internationalen Vergleich zu...
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Die Preise für metallische Rohstoffe streben, trotz jüngster leichter Rückgänge, in der Tendenz neuen Höchstständen entgegen. Eisenerz, der nach Rohöl zweitwichtigste Rohstoff, ist von einer besonders starken Konzentration auf der Anbieter- und der Nachfrageseite geprägt. Relativ neu ist...
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