Showing 39,861 - 39,870 of 39,909
Using data for the Chilean mining sector, we provide SVAR evidence in order to answer the research question regarding what are the distributional consequences that commodity price shocks have in labour market outcomes for heterogeneous workers at business cycles frequencies in a Small Open...
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La reciente crisis financiera internacional volvió a dar relevancia a la formación de ciertos desbalances macroeconómicos que pueden aumentar las vulnerabilidades de una economía frente a choques adversos. En el caso de las economías emergentes, flujos elevados de capital podrían exacerbar...
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En este documento se utiliza la metodología FAVAR (factor augmented VAR) para evaluar el impacto de variaciones no esperadas en cuatro variables internacionales: las tasas de interés de corto plazo, el riesgo, el precio real del petróleo, el café y el carbón, y la actividad económica...
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¿La intensificación de relaciones comerciales asimétricas entre China y Brasil puede explicar la desindustrialización precoz en Brasil? En este trabajo se mostrará que no es la apertura la que conduce a la desindustrialización, a la baja productividad o a la reducción del valor agregado,...
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Over the past decades, models of circular and cumulative causation, based on the endogenous relations between prices, exports, and labour productivity, have lost prominence in explaining economic dynamics. We argue that, in the absence of counterbalancing mechanisms, the combination of...
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Over the past decades, models of circular and cumulative causation, based on the endogenous relations between prices, exports, and labour productivity, have lost prominence in explaining economic dynamics. We argue that, in the absence of counterbalancing mechanisms, the combination of...
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We document a steady decline in low-skilled immigration that began with the onset of the Great Recession in 2007, which was associated with labor shortages in low-skilled service occupations and a decline in the skill premium. Falling returns to high-skilled jobs coincided with a decline in the...
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In this paper a new consumption function is derived based on savings motive hypothesis (SMH). The major theory behind the SMH is that households save part of their income in period 1 and transfer it to period 2. Implying that consumption in period 1 is the addition of autonomous consumption and...
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The new era of geopolitics and geoeconomy significantly alters the economic landscape and the operating environment. It is already clear that industrial policies and barriers to international trade increasingly influence the location of investment decisions. These trends challenge the...
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