Showing 31 - 40 of 91
For the solution Y of a multivariate random recurrence model Yn=AnYn-1+[zeta]n in we investigate the extremal behaviour of the process , , for with z*=1. This extends results for positive matrices An. Moreover, we obtain explicit representations of the compound Poisson limit of point processes...
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Let [psi]i(u) be the probability of ruin for a risk process which has initial reserve u and evolves in a finite Markovian environment E with initial state i. Then the arrival intensity is [beta]j and the claim size distribution is Bj when the environment is in state j[set membership, variant]E....
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With the df F of the rv X we associate the natural exponential family of df's F[lambda] wheredF[lambda](x)=e[lambda]x dF(x)/Ee[lambda]Xfor . Assume [lambda][infinity]=sup [Lambda][less-than-or-equals, slant][infinity] does not lie in [Lambda]. Let [lambda][short up arrow][lambda][infinity], then...
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Let be a discrete time moving average process based on i.i.d. symmetric random variables {Zt} with a common distribution function from the domain of normal attraction of a p-stable law (0 p 2). We derive the limit distribution of the normalized periodogram . This generalizes the classical...
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We consider Poisson shot noise processes that are appropriate to model stock prices and provide an economic reason for long-range dependence in asset returns. Under a regular variation condition we show that our model converges weakly to a fractional Brownian motion. Whereas fractional Brownian...
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Consider a random walk or Lévy process {St} and let [tau](u) = inf {t[greater-or-equal, slanted]0 : St u}, P(u)(·) = P(· [tau](u) < [infinity]). Assuming that the upwards jumps are heavy-tailed, say subexponential (e.g. Pareto, Weibull or lognormal), the asymptotic form of the P(u)-distribution of the process {St} up to time [tau](u) is described as u --> [infinity]. Essentially, the results confirm the folklore that level crossing occurs as result of one big jump. Particular sharp conclusions are obtained for...</[infinity]).>
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We study the tail asymptotics of the r.v. X(T) where {X(t)} is a stochastic process with a linear drift and satisfying some regularity conditions like a central limit theorem and a large deviations principle, and T is an independent r.v. with a subexponential distribution. We find that the tail...
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We consider a continuous-time stochastic optimization problem with infinite horizon, linear dynamics, and cone constraints which includes as a particular case portfolio selection problems under transaction costs for models of stock and currency markets. Using an appropriate geometric formalism...
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In general, the risk of joint extreme outcomes in financial markets can be expressed as a function of the tail dependence function of a high-dimensional vector after standardizing marginals. Hence, it is of importance to model and estimate tail dependence functions. Even for moderate dimension,...
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We investigate some portfolio problems that consist of maximizing expected terminal wealth under the constraint of an upper bound for the risk, where we measure risk by the variance, but also by the Capital-at-Risk (CaR). The solution of the mean-variance problem has the same structure for any...
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