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Diaconis and Ylvisaker (1979) give necessary conditions for conjugate priors for distributions from the natural exponential family to be proper as well as to have the property of linear posterior expectation of the mean parameter of the family. Their conditions for propriety and linear posterior...
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The relationship between the theory of elliptically contoured distributions and the concept of tail dependence is investigated. We show that bivariate elliptical distributions possess the so-called tail dependence property if the tail of their generating random variable is regularly varying, and...
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The relationship between the theory of elliptically contoured distributions and the concept of tail dependence is investigated. We show that bivariate elliptical distributions possess the so-called tail dependence property if the tail of their generating random variable is regularly varying, and...
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Asymptotic expansions for large deviation probabilities are used to approximate the cumulative distribution functions of noncentral generalized chi-square distributions, preferably in the far tails. The basic idea of how to deal with the tail probabilities consists in first rewriting these...
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This paper derives some exact finite sample distributions and characterizes the tail behavior of maximum likelihood estimators of the cointegrating coefficients in error correction models. It is shown that the reduced rank regression estimator has a distribution with Cauchy-like tails and no...
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Principal subspace theorems deal with the problem of finding subspaces supporting optimal approximations of multivariate distributions. The optimality criterion considered in this paper is the minimization of the mean squared distance between the given distribution and an approximating...
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In general, risk of an extreme outcome in financial markets can be expressed as a function of the tail copula of a high-dimensional vector after standardizing marginals. Hence it is of importance to model and estimate tail copulas. Even for moderate dimension, nonparametrically estimating a tail...
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Recently there has been an increasing interest in applying elliptical distributions to risk management. Under weak conditions, Hult and Lindskog (2002) showed that a random vector with an elliptical distribution is in the domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme value distribution. In this...
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Modern risk modelling approaches deal with vectors of multiple components. The components could be, for example, returns of financial instruments or losses within an insurance portfolio concerning different lines of business. One of the main problems is to decide if there is any type of...
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